



1. 按摩:馆内提供多种按摩服务,包括泰式按摩、中式按摩、瑞典按摩等。专业的按摩师手法娴熟,力度适中,能够有效缓解疲劳,舒缓肌肉酸痛。

2. 护理:杭州粉嫩SPA体验馆还提供多种面部护理、身体护理项目,如补水保湿、深层清洁、美白淡斑等。专业的护理师会根据您的肤质和需求,为您量身定制护理方案,让您的肌肤焕发光彩。

3. 香薰:馆内采用天然香薰精油,为您营造一个舒缓的氛围。在香薰的熏陶下,您的心灵得到净化,身心得到放松。


1. 红酒水疗:红酒具有抗氧化、美容养颜的功效。在红酒水疗中,您可以在红酒的滋养下,舒缓肌肤,缓解疲劳。

2. 芳香疗法:馆内精选多种天然香薰精油,结合专业的手法,为您带来一场身心的盛宴。

3. 瑜伽:瑜伽是一种身心合一的运动,馆内设有瑜伽课程,让您在轻松愉悦的氛围中,锻炼身体,塑造完美体型。










1. 大堂:大堂装饰典雅,宽敞明亮,配备了舒适的沙发、茶几等家具,供客人休息、交流。

2. 按摩区:按摩区分为男宾区和女宾区,私密性强。这里设有多个按摩房,配备了先进的按摩设备,供客人选择适合自己的按摩项目。

3. 水疗区:水疗区设有多个水疗池,包括温泉池、冷泉池、气泡池等。在这里,你可以尽情享受水疗带来的舒适与放松。

4. 休闲区:休闲区设有茶室、咖啡厅、棋牌室等,供客人休闲娱乐。



1. 按摩师:按摩师具备丰富的按摩经验,能够根据客人的需求,量身打造合适的按摩方案,帮助客人缓解疲劳、舒缓压力。

2. 水疗师:水疗师熟练掌握各种水疗技巧,能够根据客人的身体状况,提供专业的水疗服务。

3. 养生师:养生师精通中医养生知识,为客人提供专业的养生建议,帮助客人达到身心健康的平衡。


1. 个性化服务:杭州爱丁堡水疗会所为每位客人提供一对一的专属服务,确保每位客人都能得到最贴心的关怀。

2. 专业护理:会所采用高品质的护理产品,为客人提供专业的皮肤护理、身体护理等服务。

3. 优雅环境:会所环境优雅,氛围宁静,让客人在享受服务的同时,感受到身心放松的愉悦。

4. 舒适设施:会所设施齐全,包括按摩床、水疗池、桑拿房等,为客人提供舒适的体验。







1. 按时间收费:部分酒店采用按时间计费的方式,如30分钟、60分钟、90分钟等,价格从几十元到上百元不等。

2. 按项目收费:部分酒店将桑拿项目与其他休闲项目如按摩、水疗等打包销售,价格从几百元到上千元不等。

3. 按房间收费:部分酒店提供桑拿房,需预订房间,收费标准与普通客房类似,价格从几百元到上千元不等。


1. 酒店品牌:品牌知名度较高的酒店,其桑拿收费标准相对较高。如杭州黄龙饭店、杭州四季酒店等。

2. 地理位置:位于市中心、旅游景点附近的酒店,因其地理位置优越,桑拿收费标准相对较高。

3. 设施设备:设施设备先进的酒店,如配备高科技桑拿设备、豪华浴缸等,其桑拿收费标准相对较高。

4. 服务水平:服务水平较高的酒店,如提供个性化服务、豪华客房等,其桑拿收费标准相对较高。


1. 根据个人需求:根据自己的喜好和需求选择合适的桑拿服务,如追求养生保健可选择按摩、水疗等,追求休闲放松可选择汗蒸、桑拿等。

2. 比较价格:在了解不同酒店桑拿收费标准的基础上,比较价格,选择性价比高的酒店。

3. 体验感受:在选择桑拿服务时,关注酒店口碑和消费者评价,了解其服务质量。








1. 便捷高效:通过拨打杭州九龙宾馆桑拿预约热线,您可以轻松预约桑拿服务,无需排队等候,节省宝贵时间。

2. 专业服务:预约热线由专业客服人员接听,为您提供一对一的咨询服务,解答您的疑问,确保您得到满意的服务。

3. 个性化定制:根据您的需求,客服人员可为您推荐适合的桑拿项目,如蒸汽房、桑拿房、按摩等,让您在享受桑拿的同时,感受到尊贵体验。

4. 优惠活动:通过预约热线预订桑拿服务,您还有机会享受到酒店推出的优惠活动,如折扣、赠送等。


1. 蒸汽房:蒸汽房采用天然植物精油,具有舒缓疲劳、促进血液循环、排毒养颜等功效。

2. 桑拿房:桑拿房通过高温加热,使身体大量出汗,达到排毒、减肥、改善皮肤等效果。

3. 按摩:专业按摩师为您量身定制按摩方案,缓解肌肉紧张、改善睡眠、提高免疫力等。

4. 美容护肤:桑拿中心提供多种美容护肤项目,如面部护理、身体磨砂等,让您在享受桑拿的同时,呵护肌肤。


1. 拨打杭州九龙宾馆桑拿预约热线:0571-8518 8888。

2. 告知客服人员您的预约需求,如时间、人数、项目等。

3. 客服人员确认预约信息,为您安排桑拿服务。

4. 提前到达酒店,办理入住手续。

5. 享受桑拿服务,放松身心。





1. 杭州金碧辉煌国际俱乐部

2. 杭州银泰喜来登酒店桑拿中心

3. 杭州四季酒店桑拿中心

4. 杭州黄龙饭店桑拿中心

5. 杭州西湖国宾馆桑拿中心

6. 杭州西溪喜来登酒店桑拿中心

7. 杭州洲际酒店桑拿中心

8. 杭州维景国际大酒店桑拿中心

9. 杭州绿城玫瑰园酒店桑拿中心

10. 杭州宋城千古情酒店桑拿中心


1. 桑拿前不宜饮酒、吸烟,以免影响桑拿效果。
2. 桑拿过程中,注意补充水分,防止脱水。
3. 桑拿后不宜立即洗澡,以免影响身体恢复。
4. 桑拿时间不宜过长,以免对身体造成负担。


JiaoFei ha ha laughs "I’m afraid you don’t go back! Can you burn like that? Why don’t you try and go back? Now, 19 hades in the ghost prison and more than 100 true kings have dispatched four demons to attend to their own affairs, fearing that the situation will be even worse when you go back to the ghost prison. "

Han Gongdu can’t help but be silent. Does Jiao Fei say that he doesn’t know? Before Kuang Liyang’s reign, Han Gongdu knew that Jiao Jiao, a ghost woman, was the master. Millions of ghost immortals were just hiding their eyes and ears. When they came to Han Gongdu, they dared not have second thoughts. But four GREAT GHOST immortals seized Weiyang Palace, suppressed the throne of A-bi and forced away the ghost fairy Jiao Jiao, which made other ghost immortals have a mind.
Jiao Jiao, a ghost girl, relied on Jiao Fei and made him very worried.
Jiao Fei’s unhurried Han Gongdu is now a turtle in a jar. It is for him to take it later or earlier. This time, he tried his sword. The day was to hone Tianhe Sword School’s spells and swordsmanship, and turned around to promote Taoism. Now that he has achieved his goal, he is too lazy to fight with this last ghost army.
Jiao Jiao, a ghost girl, is different from Jiao Fei. She is a person who wants to establish her own power.
Jin Shenjun, after all, has a profound mana. Although a spell is used to restrain Jiao Jiao from being a Taoist saint, he is not weak. He is still bitter and bitter. The ghost woman Jiao Jiao’s sword light can’t help secretly jealous of Jiao Fei’s heart. "Ghost Zumen is also a door. Is this sword just as bad as Tianhe Sword Sect?" I’m taller than the yellow-faced little way, but I can’t fix the severe practice of firm but gentle instant swordsmanship. I’m too lazy to fight with this ignorant king of gold, so let the yellow-faced little helper. "
Ghost Nv Jiao’s coquettish drink shouted that this was her tacit understanding when Jiao Fei fought in the sky. Jiao Fei got the secret code and smiled without looking at Jin Shenjun. At first glance, he snapped his finger and flew out with a hint of sword light. It was not until he was close at home that Jin Shenjun realized with horror that he had long been inseparable from Yu Daosheng Jiao Jiao. Jiao Fei had already calculated that if he broke his spell, even the second sword must be broken, and the protective spell of Jin Shenjun broke the ball of his head.
Lost this most powerful spell, the king of gold was frightened to disgrace and was about to cast a spell to fight back, but it was more than a dozen points of blue star, a twisted ghost girl, Jiao Jiao, whose sword light was abruptly collected into the ghost pool in this sword light.
Han Gongdu was even more shocked to see Jin Shenjun being caught.
After Jiao Jiao received the golden emperor, even the man and the sword turned into a light that shot straight into his large array
Jiao Jiao, a ghost woman, knew Han Gong’s array like the back of her hand in Ghost Zumen for many years, which is much cheaper than Jiao Fei. Jiao Jiao broke into the array and broke several places at once. The dark clouds of the ghost camp in Jiulong Mountain immediately dispersed a few pieces of Han Gong’s anger and saw that the tide was gone. He knew that even if he fought hard again, it would only be more support for a while and finally suffer more.
Heart andao "just look at this. Not only have four GREAT GHOST immortals rebelled, but even Jiaojiao has changed men. It is still unknown whether Ghost Zu can get out of trouble. I can’t get anything good even if Ghost Zu Xu really rushes out, I still have a chance to say yes. Inform his old man’s house. Only then can I bear the humiliation and drag out an ignoble existence in these two dogs."
Thought of here, Han Gongdu shouted, "Little people are willing to drop Miss Jiao Jiao and leave her hand."
Ghost female Jiao Jiao immediately a drink a way "since you are willing to drop, don’t put the ghost Yin pool quickly and let me sacrifice again."
Han Gongdu Kenai can put the dark clouds in the ghost camp and watch the ghost girl Jiao Jiao A Bi Yuan Excalibur collect her own ghost pool. You know, the ghost pool is the most important foundation for the ghost in the ghost prison to make the ghost fairy the true gentleman first-class. Han Gongdu also sacrificed this ghost pool for more than a thousand years, and it is only now that the ghost girl Jiao Jiao has collected this ghost pool, and then put the ghost camp of A Bi Yuan Excalibur and immediately put in two hundred thousand ghost soldiers in the ghost camp of Jiulong Mountain.
In the future, such as refining these strengths, Jiao Jiao is not in a hurry. When Han Gongdu was alone and looked around, even a ghost soldier lost his camp. He bit to the ghost woman Jiao Jiao and said, "Han Gongdu is willing to play for Miss Jiao Jiao" and was collected in the ghost pool in the Excalibur of A Bi Yuan. Jin Shenjun also shouted, "Little people are willing to drop Miss Jiao Jiao. We just came to miss Jiao Jiao. It was a misunderstanding. We still hope that Miss will forgive us."
Jiao Jiao cold hum a also put the golden emperor out of pity. The ghost fairy was soaked in the ghost pool for a while, and less than half of the skill was almost going backwards to take off the gas refining layer.
Jiao Fei congratulated him with a smile: "Miss Jiao Jiao finally swept away the ghost atmosphere in Middle-earth. When it was really a merit, she gathered hundreds of thousands of ghosts, three GREAT GHOST immortals and more than a dozen ghosts. In a few days, she will be able to recapture the throne of A-nose, repress four GREAT GHOST immortals and get everything ready for her old man’s house."
Ghost female Jiao Jiao said with a cold hum, "I also want to congratulate Jiao Feigong for finally refining Qi Dan into fear that you will have a great reward in front of Tianhe Sword Sect in a few days."
Jiao Fei smiled and said with a smile, "I only took six steps in nine steps of refining gas. Since ancient times, I have been able to warm up the ninth floor of refining gas. Many people can achieve Yuan Shen, and my future is still long and I don’t know when it will come to an end."
Jiao Jiao, a ghost girl, is cold-snorted. She and Jiao Fei have been together for so long. Naturally, she knows that this yellow-faced teenager has no other thoughts except uniting and growing up. Jiao Jiao is conceited and beautiful, but she has never doubted that Jiao Fei has always treated her as an ordinary woman, and she will not be treated equally because of her appearance, whether she is an ugly woman, whether she is a beautiful woman or Jiao Fei.
New defected to the ghost female Jiao Jiao hand two GREAT GHOST fairy listened to Jiao Jiao and JiaoFei answer secretly heaved a sigh of relief andao "is our ordinary male heart to spend this young mind, it seems that he and miss Jiao Jiao affair we still have some light in the future".
Jiao Fei looked leisurely south and suddenly said, "Let’s go back to the 100 thousand mountains first. Without these spectres, the land has to stay longer."
Jiao Jiao, a ghost woman, also knows that her foundation lies in the scenic zone, and now she has accumulated a lot of strength. It is time to recapture the throne of A-bi from four GREAT GHOST immortals. Jiao Jiao thought that it would be different again, that is, the major factions did not necessarily dare to despise themselves.
But she took a look at Jiao Fei and secretly angered, "But even if I practice Excalibur to the ninth floor, I can still get the throne back, which still can’t crush this yellow-faced thief."
Jiao Fei doesn’t care about Jiao Jiao’s thinking. He covers the sword light with Han Gongdu, the golden emperor, and Jiao Jiao, and flies all the way to the south with the sword tactic of Tianhe Jiuzuo and the firm but gentle Lei Yin’s peerless swordsmanship.
Suddenly, more than ten days passed, Jiao Fei and the ghost girl Jiao Jiao flew back to the hundreds of mountains again and still settled in Majiazhai.
In the past few years, everything has remained the same in the hundreds of mountains. Zhang Yan and Anu came back from seeing Jiao Fei, and they were busy reporting to Jiao Fei what they had been paying attention to Yubifeng.
Zhang Yan’s sex has become more and more stable after many trials. It is not what Jiao Fei saw at the beginning. She rushed into the crowd with a machete. She first saluted Jiao Fei and Jiao Jiao, and then said slowly, "Yu Bifeng’s peace and movement is that a few months ago, Yu Bifeng could meet a fairy."
"An old customer of Han nationality who came to 100,000 mountains to collect herbs thought that there was any magic medicine in Yubi Peak, so he climbed it, slipped halfway and fell to be suspected of death. Unexpectedly, he was saved by Guanghua and gave him many magic medicines. When the old customer came back, he told people that there were many good people who climbed Yubi Peak. As a result, now people don’t know that Yubi Peak is strange, and many of those missing people were taken away by immortals to grant immortality."
JiaoFei ha ha a smile "longevity which get light! Even I dare not say that I have achieved immortality. Those idle people are really immortals and will not accept these ordinary people. If one or two people have special talents, it can be said that so many people are missing and killed by the bloody river people and Taixuan grandma. Where will there be adventures? "
Zhang Yan low a smile "people eat bitter and think about some good days, those people don’t expect immortality to get some benefits in the future, life will feel strange" JiaoFei took a look at her ha ha smiled "these people and we don’t care if he wants those two people to still be in Yubifeng, so many things will be easy to say"
Jiao Fei and Zhang Yan Anu chatted with Jiao Jiao, a ghost girl, and ignored her going to see the master. Ma Jiulong rushed around for half his life but came back to Majiazhai. However, after living for a long time, he felt that such a day was serious. He knew that he had no hope of longevity at most, but he would live for two or three hundred years and enjoy his old age in Majiazhai.
Hearing that his dry daughter came back, the master was happy and tight. Although the slave was his serious granddaughter, there were many younger generations in Majiazhai, but the old man still felt that the ghost girl Jiao Jiao was closer.
Jiao Fei asked about hundreds of mountains, and then he meditated in his permanent bamboo house and quietly nurtured that grain of Dan. If he didn’t stick to the abdomen and wanted him to, he could wander around the orifices and help him refine his flesh.
Jiao Fei knows that refining Qi Dan into one step is Daoji.
Laying the foundation of Tao is water milling kung fu, which requires neither epiphany nor thoroughness, because the previous refining of Qi and Dan Cheng has passed all these tempering.
After Dan Dacheng, the grain of Dan is like a small world. Generally, it can accept the true qi one hundred times more than before. It is to lay the foundation of Dao, that is, to practice the perfect true qi of Dan every day until it is full of Jiao Fei. To practice is the most powerful Tianhe Dharma, and when it is rooted, it takes a lot of thoughts. After Dan Cheng, it needs to cultivate the true qi twice as vigorously as ordinary people.
However, Jiao Fei is not worried that it will take more effort than ordinary gas refiners here.
Monty boy helped him never know which pulse of Taixuan’s father-in-law took three arrays, one of which was the large array of stars on Sunday.
According to this map, the stars on Sunday are divided into four houses and nine days, and the Milky Way is in the middle of the four houses of Dragon Phoenix and Wuxuan, and the world created by Seven Phoenix seems to be in the place where the Dragon Palace and the Phoenix Palace intersect with the Nine Days Milky Way.
Jiao Fei has refined this array long ago. With this array, Jiao Fei can establish a mysterious and mysterious relationship with the Nine Celestial Rivers. It is much faster than induction cultivation speed and self-cultivation. Without the help of the large array of stars on Sunday, it will take Jiao Fei thirty years to break through the grassroots level.
But with the help of the large array of stars on Sunday, Jiao Fei has the confidence to reduce this time to thirteen or fourteen years.
Daoji is doomed. Daoji and Jiebi are complementary to each other, and it doesn’t necessarily take much effort to turn to the last layer of refining gas to nourish Jiao Fei. I’m not sure if it can be refined in time before the disaster comes thirty years after tomorrow, and I don’t even think about it.
"After all, Zhou Tianxing’s fighting plan is a multiplier. If I can get the too-empty robe, the entry will be greatly accelerated. Otherwise, I’m not sure if I can count it. Before the big disaster in 30 years, I will practice to the ninth layer of refined gas, let alone the Yuan God. I don’t know if Grandmother Taixuan and the blood channel people have collected this magic weapon in recent years. What state is it now?"
After refining Qi Dan, Jiao Fei felt the vitality of heaven and earth greatly expanded with his strong mana. He tried to leave a phantom of Taixuan’s father-in-law to explore around. Maybe it was a good fortune. Jiao Fei suddenly felt that there was a magic calling to himself.
"It’s the magic weapon of the too-empty robe. Why does it seem to be hurt?"
Jiao Fei was busy jumping in depth and refining the firm but gentle into silk, and the brilliant brilliance disappeared. This was all the way to the original Taixuan grandma who was suppressed and flew out of the canyon. The more he flew there, the stronger his sense of Jiao Fei became. He thought that he had a monty shirt and a sword in his hand, and he was not so afraid of it. He felt that the wave came from the ground and transported mana to drill through the earth and sand into the vein.
Even if the sword light is hard, the stone can’t stand a little bit of stress, and the sword light is as fine as hairspring sediment, and there are many gaps to enter.
This is also because Jiao Fei got the Phantom of the Too Xuan Father-in-law, and he was able to sense the call from the too empty robe. He confirmed the direction several times, and gradually went deep into the earth pulse for hundreds of miles. This is why Jiao Fei came to a very spacious place. First of all, he didn’t go to see the white jade stone platform floating in the middle, but his face changed and looked at the unfathomable place.
Jiao Fei has been in the ghost prison twice, and naturally he senses that Fang Chong is the ghost prison breath.
"But what place is here? What can also communicate with the underworld? I don’t want to go to the underworld again. What is it that Mr. Taixuan built such a platform here? " Jiao Fei had more and more doubts in his heart. When he looked at the platform, his heart was awe-inspiring again.

For Siyutang, there is no pity in Su Mo’s heart.

Today, this man can kneel before him and cry for his life.
This man can stab him in the back!
Su Mo came to the front of Siyutang and said simply, "Sometimes once you choose the wrong road, there is no way out."
Hear Su Mo say this sentence Si Yutang finally disillusioned in my heart.
Si Yutang put his palm in the bag.
Now suddenly there is a cold light flashing dagger in the palm of your hand
Si Yutang’s crying stopped abruptly, and his face was suddenly gloomy, and his eyes were bitter and cold. "Since you won’t let me live, I’ll abolish you first!"
Si Yutang stabbed Su Mo in the chest with a dagger!
This is a sneak attack.
It’s a pity that his mind can’t hide from Su Mo Lingjue.
Just as Siyutang jumped up, Su Mo leaned out of the palm of his hand and fell from the sky, and then he slapped it hard on Siyutang’s top of the skull.
Siyutang’s head was like tofu, and it was shot by Su Mo. Without saying anything, he fell on the spot.
Just as Siyutang shot, Junhao also had the determination to fuel the spirit force. Seven spirit veins lit up and flashed towards Jiyao Snow at the door of the stone room.
Eye Ji Yaoxue is his only life!
If you can catch Ji Yaoxue, he will have enough chips to make a deal with Su Mo!
Jun Hao rushed over only to find that Ji Yaoxue was still watching him quietly.
There seems to be a trace of mockery and pity in the eyes.
Jun Hao caught a glimpse of a lotus flower galloping like thunder!
The purring is breathtaking.
It was Su Mo who killed Siyutang and threw out his blood quenching knife at the same time.
Will you react or not? Jun Hao saw a flash of lotus flower.
Then Jun Haoli stung the whole person violently and was hit by a huge force and flew out!
Junhao was nailed to the stone wall by Su Mo’s blood quenching knife!
This knife is very powerful. The blade has penetrated into the stone wall, and most of the handle is still buzzing and shaking!
Junhao’s eyes are wide open and his mouth is open. Blood keeps pouring out, and he can’t stop it.
This knife can not help but penetrate his body and destroy his internal organs, cutting off his vitality!
"You …"
Jun Hao barely raised his arm and pointed to Su Mo as if he wanted to say something.
Pause for a long time. Jun Hao stared at his eyes on one side of his head and died.

"Your mother!" Defense sergeant body is splashed with snow flustered slap shout in Xu Yang face "you run so fast I also you are snow mountain flying fox? !”

"Why don’t you run away? Ah? "
Most of the defense personnel are louts, and they are so upset that they get angry at the night and then press Xu Yang in the snow shell, which is a beating.
It’s nearly three o’clock in the morning.
The main road of the living area, Xu Yang, Ma Er and Cai Xuxu, and other four people crouched in a row, surrounded by at least 60 defense personnel and police officers.
Cai slowly looked at so many cars, so many people regretted it, looked up at Xu Yang and said, "… I was fucking impulsive."
Xu Yang glanced at each other and didn’t answer.
"It’s a big deal." Ma Laoer was more nervous because he was not afraid to come in, but Mrding was arrested alive, which was absolutely fatal.
Xu Yang turned to look at Ma Laoer’s teeth and moved lower than the pain in his right foot, so he ordered a few words.
Just then, a strong man rushed over to lift his leg and kicked it on Xu Yang’s shoulder. "Did you talk? ! Ah? "
Xu Yang looked up at each other without saying anything.
"Close the team and bring people back to Fengbei." The strong man looked up and shouted.
"Roger that!"
"Roger that!"
"Thanks to the defense brother Ha Tian, I will put a few tables in the city, please invite everyone!" Strong man is very polite at defense personnel shouted.
Songjiang urban area
Xiaoxing dialed Sangonghua in a better mood than pleasure.
"hello? !”
"I’m telling you, third brother, I don’t admire others except you in my life!" Xiaoxing said excitedly, "Things are exactly the same as you said! They started in the living village outside the district. Cai Xuxu, Ma Laoer, Xu Yang Department was blocked and arrested. None of them ran away! "
After hearing this, Sangong was not too proud but asked cautiously, "Where is Mrding?"
"Caught alive," replied Xiaoxing with a grin. "It’s a pity that we didn’t move him first, otherwise Cai Xuxu would never bite!"
When Sangong heard this, he was completely relieved. "This will be no problem."
"Yes, it turned out better than we wanted." Xiaoxing nodded.
Sangong pondered for a long time and immediately ordered, "Cai slowly, Ma Erer, they are going to kill Mrding, which means that they have completely collapsed. You should go to Fengbei to do ideological work for Mrding in person and ask him to spit. I guarantee that he will not be sentenced to death and can also give a sum of money to his family."
"Good" little star nodded should be a.
"Mrding vomitted to bite CAI slowly in metasomatism in north Ding Hui company issue! Then I can move Wu Di in one step. "Three fair eyes said darkly." Wu Di secretly organized a parade, which touched the bottom line of all leaders in Songjiang! If you have enough evidence in your hand, then he has no chance to turn over! "
"I will go to Fengbei when I am white!"
"When you get there, go to the superintendent first, and then we’ll meet!"
"Well, first!"
The two ended the call immediately after the communication was completed.
At five o’clock in the morning, Songjiang Xile Palace.
Qin Yu bowed their heads and sat on the sofa and looked at Ling Ye with cold eyes and asked, "Can you tell me what kind of silly B Cai is slowly? ! Let us do things. What rhythm do you want him to bring? "
"Don’t get angry yet!" Brother feng advised 1
"Don’t get angry? !” Qin Yu stared at his eyes and shouted, "My two leading eldest brothers are folded in such a broken thing! You still make me laugh and talk? !”
Wu Di sat next to him and looked up at Qin Yu and said, "Now is not the time to complain! Let’s find a way to solve the problem. "
Chapter DiWuJiu Qin Yu attitude
Qin Yu glanced at Wu Di didn’t reply.
"Does Mrding have to do it?" Brother Feng said softly with his palm in his hand. "If you want to do it, you have to do it, otherwise he will be completely passive when he vomits."
Ling Ye, with a teacup in her heart, was also a little disgusted with it, because the first strategy she gave was to talk about Mrding’s family to stabilize his mood, so that Mrding would have scruples even if he was caught in Fengbei, but this plan was finally rejected by the head office, because the layer finally recognized that someone would shut up completely to be safe.
Now, Mrding has completely hated Wu Di and the head office. He won’t cooperate with everyone any more. At present, after he is arrested, he will probably spit for his commutation, and the most important thing is that Mrding has arranged for his family to run away. Ling Ye can’t find it even if he wants to talk to his family.
"How to do it?" Wu Di blunt elder brother asked.
"Spend a lot of money to buy a police officer in Fengbei." It is more direct to seal the elder brother’s business. "If you can’t do it, it will be 303,000, and if you can’t, it will be 500,000."
"Then what?"
"What else is there?" Brother Feng frowned and replied, "Let Mrding die in the superintendent before he is ready to spit."
Wu Di couldn’t help but shake his head when he heard this. "There is little chance of success. Although it is good to buy people, the supervision of Mrding in Fengbei is definitely very strict. I am not so good."
"Then what else can you do besides this method?" Brother Feng frowned and said, "Mrding may spit at any time. Now you can handle it as quickly as possible when he doesn’t think more."
Wu Di thoughtfully turned to Qin Yu for a long time. "What do you think?"
Qin Yu glanced at Wu Di and slowly got up with a straight face and replied, "I have to make two things clear."
"You said" Wu Di nodded.
"First, since it is close, everyone should be honest." Qin Yu looked down at Wu Di’s words and said clearly, "But you secretly let people incite the masses to March but didn’t say hello to me before. If you ask me, I won’t agree to this."
Wu Di is silent while Yelin is frowning and speaking in good faith to interrupt "Xiaoyu is not a decision made by Wu Di but by our head office".
"I didn’t say it was Wu Di, I said it was the whole team, including your head office, of course." Qin Yu replied briefly.
Everyone smells silence.

"Congratulations to master siddhi Dacheng" Dalba up respectful way.

King Jinlun laughed and said, "It’s not a great achievement to cultivate the dragon elephant Prajnaparamita to the thirteenth floor. That’s the real achievement, but with my skill now, it’s the best in the world. Did you find the traitor in Huo Dou, Dalba?"
Without Yang Guo, Huo Dou finally defected from his master and stole many martial arts secrets from King Jinlun when he left.
Dalba shook his head and said, "No"
King Jinlun sneered, "Huo Dou, a traitor, will find him and cut him to pieces."
"Master Khan will personally lead the troops this time, hoping that the master can go to attack the Song Dynasty together after he leaves." Dalba said to King Jinlun.
King Jinlun nodded. "I know. When you go back and tell Khan, tell him that I will go first and meet some old friends. I will meet him when the Mongolian army arrives in Xiangyang."
"Yes, brother."
Chapter 162 Condor Man
Guo Xiang followed the big head ghost to a cave in Shanxi on the outskirts of Xiangyang, where the ghost was already waiting.
"Come on, let me introduce you to this little girl named Guo Xiang. She wanted to see the condor man, so I brought her." Big Head introduced to everyone.
Guo Xiang fuels, "Guo Xiang has seen you."
Fan Yiweng nodded and said, "Come on, come on. Today is the day when ghosts and historians in a cave in Shanxi settle their grievances, and a condor will be a witness. Don’t talk nonsense."
Guo Xiang nodded. "Don’t worry, I won’t talk nonsense."
Guo Xiang was excited that she would meet the condor man soon.
There is an extra stone house in the valley where Yang Guo and Lu Shuang spent most of these years. It’s not boring for Yang Guo to be accompanied by Lu Shuang and the condor. If you feel bored, take Lu Shuang and the condor out for a walk. By the way, look for the little dragon girl. Unfortunately, they haven’t found any trace of the little dragon girl for more than ten years, but they have become the "condor man".
Lu Shuang came back with a vegetable basket. She sold a lot of meat and vegetables when she went out this time.
"Daughter-in-law is back so soon" Yang Guo said with a smile when he saw Lu Shuang out of the stone house.
Lu Shuang nodded. "Well, I’ll cook braised pork for you later, idiot. I found out in the city today that the Mongolian army is going south again and may arrive in Xiangyang soon."
Lu Shuang has not changed much in recent years, but she has become more mature. Her martial arts has made great progress and she has become a half-step master.
"oh? Really? " Yang Guo eyes off a flash.
Yang Guo is wearing a gray robe without an arm. He is still as young as before, but his head has more white hair.
Yang Guo became a master fighter ten years ago, and his appearance has never changed since he became a master fighter.
Lu Shuang looked at Yang Guo and said with a sigh, "Idiot, your boxing has reached the level of strength. Gong said that if you want to reach the level of strength, you can grow arms again."
Yang Guo shook his head and said, "It’s more amazing than I didn’t fully understand this energy mystery. It’s hard to grow an arm. Besides, now I’m used to it. It doesn’t matter much to me whether my right arm is broken or not. I don’t think I can have this martial arts now."
Since the arm was broken, Yang Guo’s mood has changed, and he practiced harder and harder. He was no longer fooling around when he was a child. It can be said that although Yang Guo broke an arm, he got this peerless martial arts. It’s not a loss. Yang Guo’s martial arts are not much different from Li Mochou’s now, and the single-handedly solitary nine swords are even more overbearing.
Yang Guo, who has been walking in the Jianghu for so many years, has never met an opponent, even Huang Laoxie, the owner of Peach Blossom Island, was defeated by him.
Lu Shuangnai said, "I’m going to cook."
At dinner, Yang Guo said, "Daughter-in-law, I may go out to a cave in Shanxi tonight. The ghost and historian brothers will duel tonight and let me be a notary to help them mediate a grievance."
Lu Shuang asked blankly, "Is that a group of monsters and beasts historian brothers in Shanxi?"
Yang Guo nodded. "Yeah, that’s them."
Lu Shuang laughed. "Then I’ll go with you. There’s nothing to do if I stay at home." Yang Guo thought for a nod. "It’s better to take a trip to the Desperate Valley after dealing with ghosts and historians in a cave in Shanxi. In a few days, my aunt will be 16 years old. I hope my aunt will appear again."
When Yang Guo and Lu Shuang came to the outskirts of Xiangyang, a cave of ghosts and historians in Shanxi were fighting.
Lu Shuang cold hum a few firm but gentle draw them immediately.
Guo Xiang was surprised when he saw Lu Shuang’s martial arts eyes lit up. "Great fencing!"
Guo Xiang ran to Yang Guo and laughed. "You are the condor man? My name is Guo Xiang. "
Yang Guo one leng asked "Guo Xiang? Are you Huang Rong’s daughter? "
Guo Xiang was surprised. "Ah, how do you know?"
Lu Shuang looked at Guo Xiang and laughed. "So you’re a son. I didn’t expect to see you for sixteen years. You’re so big. Well, your strength is good. It’s a first-class state."
Guo Xiang wondered, "They really know me? But who are they? I don’t remember anything? "
Yang Guo said, "Well, let’s talk about something later. Let’s solve the problem of ghosts and historians in a cave in Shanxi first."
After learning about Yang Guo, I learned about the feud between a cave of ghosts and other disciples in Shanxi.
It turned out to be Linghu.
Yang Guo said to the historian brothers, "Don’t worry, since I’m in charge of your affairs, you will definitely find Linghu. If I can’t catch it, then go to Zhongnanshan and ask my uncle Wang, his old man’s house, to cure your injuries."
The historian brothers need fox blood to cure their wounds, but there may not be such a way to cure them. Yang Guo believes that it is not a problem for Wang Yue to cure the historian brothers.
"Well, thank you very much," said the historian brothers gratefully.
Yang Guo and Lu Shuang are going to the Desperate Valley overnight, but Guo Xiangyin is behind them. "The condor is waiting for me."
Yang Guo and Lu Shuang looked back and saw a purple figure chasing them.
Yang Guo smiled at Lu Shuang. "Xianger is very handsome in flying skills. When we were her age, our martial arts were not as good as hers."
Lu Shuang laughed and said, "Xianger’s talent is very high, and it is not much compared with the master and the teacher, so that her achievements in the future are limitless."
Guo Xiang came to Yang Guo and said, "Are you going to wander the Jianghu? Take me with you. Well, don’t worry. Although my martial arts can’t be compared with yours, it’s not bad and won’t hold you back. "
Guo Xiang loves to listen to the stories of heroes in Jianghu and Wulin since he was a child, and hopes to be as brave as those heroes in Jianghu.
Now that Yang Guo, the condor, appears, of course she will follow.

"Oh, this scroll is the biggest to enable the tester to practice non-commissioned officers before the private stage to practice special forces! Although the science of uniting the strength can finally keep one-third when it returns, it is still strong enough for the private stage, so don’t worry about less advanced warfare. "

"And although it is very good for all races, this scroll can only be brought into full play when the blood clan is close to the race. Because the original clan’s cultivation method is Gong Zhenyuan, if it does not conflict with the cultivation method, you can practice more dharma practitioners. However, I advise you that you’d better get the body-refining skill cheats before making the scroll play a bigger role in the initial stage because of the body-refining skill, and you may not be able to get the work to cultivate the mind in the world where the main brain distributes it."
Qin Changfeng died after hearing what the soil and fertilizer circle said. It should be that after this scroll, the brain will create a special fantasy world so that private testers can practice such high-order power before it. What Gu Jian didn’t immediately fear after he got this thing was because he had to leave the team to enter and stay in it, which was also extremely costly.
It often takes 20 or 20 years to achieve a little success, but it’s terrible to stay at a test point every day for a long time. It’s really not something that ordinary private testers can resist
Except Qin Changfeng this monster, of course.
Why should we specifically instruct Qin Changfeng to practice body-building skills? Because body-building skills can greatly increase the basic attributes in the early stage, and once the basic attributes break the limit, there will be extra rewards!
That kind of pure cohesion won’t have this advantage in the early days.
After waiting for ten minutes for a lot of blood from the congenital strong and collecting pet props, Qin Changfeng decided to leave with the soil and fat circle decisively. Although it has eased, he still believes this dead fat word. Whether it can really be combined after four minutes remains to be seen. Now he still has a displacement skill to learn.
Chapter sixty-five Too clear yuan jade
It’s natural that you can’t exchange numbers and add friends with the soil and fertilizer circle before leaving. Then Qin Changfeng was surprised on the spot after seeing the number of the soil and fertilizer circle.
Because it is not a number but a word-unitary!
A, B, C, D … Shen, You, Xu, Hai heavenly stems and earthly branches Zhongyou?
Qin Changfeng flashed all kinds of thoughts in his heart after seeing this number numbered with different marks, but he didn’t ask much whether it was calm after adding it.
Back to the exclusive room, he couldn’t wait to take out the displacement skill scroll and play the parameters such as
Phase burst skills
Gold level of skill level
The attribute sudden displacement class consumes 5 points of energy to make itself start the phase movement mode, see obstacles for 5 seconds, and suddenly dash forward for 1 meter. During the sudden movement period, it will not be harmed, and it will be cooled for 6 seconds (note that you can regard it as being able to teleport forward).
This displacement skill has a lot of displacement restrictions, and it can move forward as far as 1 meter. Fortunately, there are few visible obstacles in energy consumption and the cooling time is not long.
It is very good for a gold-level displacement skill to have such an attribute, and Qin Changfeng is also satisfied. Because the displacement skill level is usually one level higher than other skills, that is to say, this gold skill is actually a black iron level if it is not a displacement attribute.
Besides, for him, the first thing to solve is that there are problems with skill defects, which can be solved by combining talents with other skills.
After the skill scroll, a figure sprints forward icon immediately appears in the second skill position of Qin Changfeng attribute panel.
Qin Changfeng spent more than ten days waiting for the news of soil fertility circle, and didn’t go to the temple of uniting again. Because he prepared it once, he decided that it would be ten years to stay in that world after uniting, and the test point would be an astronomical figure.
In order to raise a trial point, Qin Changfeng even chose the equipment to slay Aguli’s bloody key. As a result, he was surprised that his two black iron-class short knives were sold for 55 trial points at this special time!
In this way, after deducting 2,000 points after the reunification, Qin Changfeng’s body test point has reached 75 points, and half of them are Aguli’s dedication, which can’t help but make Qin Changfeng feel that killing people is the fastest way to get rich …
Unfortunately, until the third trial, there was no news that he needed two things to summon a pet, which made Qin Changfeng naturally doubt the ability of the soil and fertilizer circle at that time, but this dead fat seemed to know that Qin Changfeng would think so and immediately took out something that made him sit up and take notice.
Tai Qing yuan Jing Yu special props
Epic level
Attribute This thing contains pure essence, which will make you exhausted (Note: In fact, this is a rough jade that needs to be carved or cast by a master refiner to make it shine! )
At the same time, Tu Feiyuan explained, "Although the introduction of this thing is simple, it is of great benefit to your practice and trial. Ordinary people have to rest when they practice martial arts for up to ten hours a day, but with this fine jade, you can practice for two hours a day, and fatigue and dark injuries caused by practice can be automatically eliminated!"
"You are willing to give me epic props so easily. Isn’t this like your wind?" This thing Qin Changfeng can naturally see that when it comes out, it is to save trial points for Qin Changfeng. It is definitely a very large number accumulated over the years, but the soil and fertilizer suddenly become so good that Qin Changfeng feels a little uncomfortable.
Tu Feiyuan cried and laughed. "Let’s not beat around the bush. I’ll tell you the truth, how much I’ve paid for you, and I’m sure I’ll get multiple profits in the future. It’s not difficult to complete the practice test this time, so there should be no danger. I’ll lend you the refined jade, but you must help me do one thing after you are promoted to the second floor."
"What is it?" Qin Changfeng expression asked.
"Kill!" Soil, fat, round eyes and cold light