





1. 和服体验:馆内设有和服租赁区,游客可以穿上美丽的和服,感受日本女性的优雅与端庄。

2. 茶道体验:茶道是日本传统文化的重要组成部分,馆内设有茶室,提供专业的茶道体验。在茶室里,你可以品尝到正宗的日本抹茶,感受茶道的宁静与美好。

3. 日本传统音乐:馆内定期举办日本传统音乐演奏会,让游客在优美的旋律中领略日本文化的魅力。

4. 日本绘画体验:馆内设有日本绘画工作室,游客可以亲手绘制一幅日本风格的画作,留下美好的回忆。























1. 优质原材料:杭州桑拿板弧形直销中心选用优质天然木材,如樟木、杉木等,确保产品环保、健康、耐用。

2. 独特设计:中心产品采用弧形设计,造型美观,安装方便,能有效提高桑拿房的使用空间。

3. 先进工艺:采用先进的激光切割、热压等技术,确保产品精度高,质量稳定。

4. 多样化选择:中心提供多种款式、尺寸的桑拿板,满足不同消费者的需求。

5. 售后服务:中心提供完善的售后服务,包括产品安装、维修、保养等,让消费者无后顾之忧。



1. 温度调节:中心桑拿房温度可自由调节,从40℃至80℃不等,满足不同消费者的需求。

2. 功能多样:中心桑拿设备功能齐全,包括汗蒸、蒸汽、雾浴等,满足消费者多样化的需求。

3. 休闲环境:中心桑拿房装修豪华,环境优雅,让您在享受桑拿的同时,也能感受到舒适、放松的氛围。



1. 亲身体验:消费者可现场参观、体验产品,确保购买到满意的产品。

2. 专业指导:中心有专业的销售人员,为消费者提供选购、安装、使用等方面的指导。

3. 价格优惠:直销中心价格透明,消费者可享受优惠价格。

4. 诚信经营:中心坚持诚信经营,确保产品质量,为消费者提供放心购买。











1. 杭州健身中心:位于杭州市西湖区文三路,是一家集健身、桑拿、游泳、瑜伽等为一体的综合性健身中心。

2. 杭州奥体健身中心:位于杭州市滨江区,拥有先进的健身设备,提供专业的健身指导。

3. 杭州香榭丽健身中心:位于杭州市上城区,是一家以桑拿、瑜伽、舞蹈等为主的健身中心。

4. 杭州绿城健身中心:位于杭州市下城区,是一家集健身、桑拿、游泳、羽毛球等为一体的综合性健身中心。


1. 设备齐全:选择设备齐全的桑拿健身房,可以满足您的多种健身需求。

2. 环境舒适:健身房的环境应舒适、卫生,让您在健身过程中感受到愉悦。

3. 服务优质:健身房的服务质量直接影响您的健身体验,选择服务优质的健身房至关重要。

4. 位置便利:选择离您居住或工作地点较近的健身房,方便您随时健身。






1. 古法泡澡:在杭州,古法泡澡是一种独特的沐浴方式。人们选用当地的天然草药,如艾草、菊花等,熬制成香汤,然后浸泡其中。这种泡澡方式不仅能舒缓疲劳,还能养生保健,被誉为“江南第一浴”。

2. 江南SPA:SPA在杭州有着悠久的历史,这里的SPA馆以江南水乡为特色,结合了中西方的养生理念。在这里,你可以享受到专业的按摩、香薰、水疗等服务,让身心得到彻底的放松。



1. 茶文化:杭州是中国茶文化的发源地之一,龙井茶更是闻名遐迩。在杭州,你可以亲自体验采茶、制茶的过程,品尝到一杯杯香醇的龙井茶。

2. 地道小吃:杭州的小吃种类繁多,如西湖醋鱼、东坡肉、炸酱面等。这些地道的小吃,不仅味道鲜美,而且富含营养,让人回味无穷。

3. 江南菜肴:杭州的菜肴以清淡、鲜嫩、雅致著称。在这里,你可以品尝到各种以鱼、虾、蟹为主料的菜肴,如西湖醋鱼、叫花鸡等。



1. 桑拿房:杭州的桑拿房设计独具匠心,结合了中西方的桑拿理念。在这里,你可以享受到高温、蒸汽、香薰等多种桑拿方式,让身心得到彻底的放松。

2. 桑拿养生:桑拿具有很好的养生效果,可以促进新陈代谢,增强免疫力。在杭州,许多桑拿馆都设有专业的养生顾问,为顾客提供个性化的养生建议。


More than a dozen shock waves seemed to suddenly appear from the void, instantly cutting off these Mongols’ hamstrings and wasting their martial arts.

The Mongols covered their wrists with blood and fear in their eyes.
"Who is it?" A Mongolian National People’s Congress shouted
Wang Yue instantly appeared in the Liu compound and said with a smile, "It’s me."
The sudden appearance of Wang Yue made everyone take a few steps back.
Wang Yue is so fast that ordinary people can’t see his figure clearly, so he suddenly appears like a fairy.
A Mongolian boldly asked, "Who are you? Aren’t you afraid of being exterminated if you dare to take charge of the court affairs? "
Wang Yue said with a smile, "My name is Wang Yue, and the Jianghu people call me the’ Sword God’ Liu Family. I promise I won’t kill you today when I am in a good mood. Go back and tell your Lord that if I find the Mongols continue to kill people at random, I will make the whole county disappear."
"Now you all roll for me! Of course, the more than ten horses outside the Liu gate will be left for me. "
Wang Yue doesn’t have much money in his hand now. If he wants to maintain the operation of Excalibur Villa, he can’t do it without money. Wang Yue intends to keep the dozen horses.
Wang Yue, who robbed Mongols of things, had no psychological burden.
It was easy for Wang Yue to kill these Mongols, but he didn’t do it.
Killing people is not the goal. What Wang Yue wants to do is to deter these rampant Mongols from doing evil again.
In the future, when the Han people unify the country, it will be natural for someone to clean up these Mongols, so there is no need for Wang Yue to worry about it.
More than a dozen Mongols heard Wang Yue let them go, and immediately fled like an Amnesty.
Liu Chang walked over to Wang Yue and thanked him for saving his life.
Liu Shimin knelt down in front of Wang Yue and kowtowed, "Fairy, please accept me as a disciple. I also want to learn something to kill Mongols!"
Liu Shimin didn’t read until the machete fell to his neck. Without reading, the Mongols couldn’t get rid of it, and they couldn’t protect themselves and their families. It is still necessary to rely on strong power to control their own destiny.
Wang Yue’s martial arts made Liu Shimin fold. Of course, in Liu Shimin’s eyes, Wang Yue’s display is not martial arts, but magic.
Wang Yue looked at Liu Shimin and nodded secretly.
Liu Shimin’s talent is very good, which is not far from that of Zhou Zhiruo and Zhang Ji. It is a pity that he is seventeen years old and has passed the best period of practicing martial arts.
Of course, this is very troublesome for others. Even if Liu Shimin apprentice Liu Shimin is accepted, his martial arts achievements in the future will be limited, but this is not a problem for Wang Yue.
It is necessary to cultivate Wang Yue’s "gymnastics", wash the marrow by Yijing, and then open the meridians. You must be willing to make achievements in martial arts in the future. Wang Yue is sure to let Liu Shimin "be a late bloomer"
Liu Shimin Ge is also good. When the Mongols killed him, he didn’t run away for fear of losing his parents, but stayed with his family. Although he looked stupid, Wang Yue was very satisfied with him.
Wang Yuexiao said with a smile, "Be careful. Your name is Liu Shimin, right? I can give you a night to think about it, and then discuss it with your parents. If you really decide to learn martial arts, I will accept you again."
Wang Yue is going to stay at Liu’s tonight, waiting for Liu Shimin to decide.
Wan Liu Chang Fang zhong
Liu Chang frowned and said to Liu Shimin, "Shimin, I have been a poet for generations. Why do you want to learn martial arts now? No matter how strong the martial arts are, it’s just a martial artist. Now the local rebel forces have overthrown the Mongolian court. In the future, we Han people will unify the country. Your knowledge will be useful. It’s not impossible for you to become a prime minister and an Li Min after decades with your talent. "
Liu Chang can’t say anything in front of Wang Yue during the day. After all, Wang Yue is from Liu Jiaen and Wang Yue is really fierce.
Wang Yue Liu Chang, the owner of Excalibur Villa, has also heard of it.
Wang Yue, even with the title of "Sword God", is a master of martial arts, but in the eyes of readers like Liu Chang, he is also a powerful warrior.
Everything is only the right way if you read high and Liu Chang has a heart to read.
Liu Shimin shook his head and said, "Dad, you’re wrong. You can’t get rid of Mongolian children just by reading. Now I think it’s better to read with a sword. If you have words, we won’t fight back today when the Mongols killed my Liu family. Now I know that the original 11 is life!"
Liu Chang pointed angrily at Liu Shimin and said, "You really piss me off. You are a scholar. Is it so unbearable in your eyes? Have you read the popularity festival? We have our own lofty spirit in our minds. Are those martial artists comparable? "
Liu Shimin’s eyes firmly said, "Dad, no matter what the sky is, I will learn from my teacher, even if it is a child’s unfilial."
Liu Shimin said and walked out of the room.

"Yes, Goofy’s summary is in place." Steve nodded. "Besides, your super power will bring you more notes. Some of these notes come from citizens and ordinary people, while others come from bad guys with ulterior motives. You have to use your head more to distinguish the difference …"

Peter nodded obediently. "I will, officer Steve."
Steve continued, "Besides, enjoy the process of becoming a hero, but don’t get lost in vanity. Don’t show off your superpowers and be brave. Don’t overdo them …"
"Excessive superpowers are like the former Thor?" Peter immediately grasped Steve’s meaning.
There is a safer way to stop the Hulk, but Thor chooses to fight with him in close combat, and it turns into a show of strength, and the citizens and buildings pay for this farce
"It seems that Thor’s trip is not completely undesirable. It has set a typical negative example for the younger generation." Steve laughed and teased. "That’s right, Peter, you should remember not to put the cart before the horse. Superpower is a tool for you to be brave, not a means for you to show off your superpowers."
"I’m sorry, officer Steve. I’ll remember that."
Peter nodded seriously.
Then he looked at Goofy and asked in a low voice, "Officer Goofy, then I will make it …"
"Don’t worry, I promise you that things will be done. I’ll go to Reid tomorrow and ask him to make a suit for you or to find Stark, but he’s also good at making these small hairs."
"Look for Mr. Stark. His uniforms are cool. I’m not saying that Mr. Richards’s design of uniforms is not good. It’s … The fantastic four uniforms look a little simple," Spider said frankly.
"Really? Why do I still think the Fantastic Four’s uniform is quite stylish, not as grandiose as iron man armor’s? "Steve expressed his opinion.
The little spider smiled and said to Goofy, "You see? Mr. Richards’s uniform can meet the aesthetic of Officer Steve’s time … "
"Ha ha ha ….." Goofy couldn’t help laughing and then promised, "Okay, I’ll ask Stark to design a suit for you, but Stark is crazy about red. His suit must be red."
"Red is fine, but I don’t like his red and yellow color scheme. I hope I can make the classic red and black color scheme more beautiful and distinguish it from Iron Man …" Spider said.
"No problem, you have the final say in your suit," Goofy said.
"Great!" The little spider has been longing for his battle suit for YY. After a while, the child excitedly asked, "Officer Goofy, when are we going out?"
"Once?" Goofy glanced back at Spider and shook his head regretfully. "Peter, you may have misunderstood one thing. The main reason for taking you out this time is to let you experience the feeling of being a superhero instead of formally joining the Super Patrol …"
"After all, you are still a child. Now you mainly study …"
"When is the time? I want to wait until you formally join the Super Patrol after graduation … "
"Don’t worry about chivalry. Is the most important thing for you now to finish your studies and be a qualified student?"
Peter froze directly after hearing Goofy’s words.
"What? ? ?”
"Am I not happy for nothing?"
"Officer Goofy, you didn’t intend to let me join the Super Patrol now?"
"That I also do battle dress stem what ah …"
Goofy said with a smile, "I didn’t intend to let you join the Super Patrol. I didn’t stop you from becoming a superhero, Peter. Now new york is becoming more and more dangerous. Everyone wants a helpful superhero to live next door, you know?"
"I am white!" Peter Parker suddenly realized and nodded again and again.
Post-new york is the Spider-Man stage!
Chapter 354 The Return of Raytheon
When I got home, I took a shower, changed my clothes, and Gao Fei had to plan to buy a new mobile phone.
Although the desperate virus Goofy perfectly adapted to repair the threat of non-fatal injuries to him, and at the same time, the new explosive skill was also very powerful, which helped him defeat the light man and the ice monster in a row, but this thing caused too much loss when it exploded once, besides destroying a suit, it had to blow up a mobile phone.
Although Goofy is now a new local tyrant in new york with a large income from Ravencraft prison, it is not a problem to waste things like this all the time.
"After the explosion, you have to put the phone in the car before …" Goofy was depressed and wondering.
Carrie and Skye had dinner together, leaving five pizzas and a plate of fried chicken for Gao Fei at the table. After dinner, the little sisters ran upstairs to see them. Recently, they were crazy about Netflix vampire dramas.
Goofy called Reid while eating.
"Hell Reed large stray dog has been taken care of."
"Steve White told the specific situation. Can you judge how this monster appeared?" Reid asked, "is it the product of earth experiments or alien life?"
"It should be an alien creature whose body structure is completely different from that of the earth. Besides, this guy can spit out frost with one mouth, which is a bit like the Jotunheim ice monster in the Nine Realms." Goofy said.
"Jotunheim? Ice monster? " Reed didn’t expect that he didn’t like reading goofy, but he was quite knowledgeable. "When did you know so much about the nine realms and Jotunheim?"
"Ahem, when Thor was tortured in Ravencraft, we had a few words. I heard him say it," Goofy said with a smile.
In a blink of an eye, Thor has been released from prison for several months. He did very well in Ravencraft.
Thor still feels wronged. Why should he go to jail after doing good deeds? But since Asgard people came to visit him and let him know that the priests Odin deliberately left him on earth, Thor realized that he did have a problem and humbly reviewed it.
As Steve said, superpowers should be used as a tool to show off their superpowers, not vice versa.
It took Thor a few days to understand this truth, and he finally understood why Odin wanted to deprive him of Raytheon power and throw him to the earth.
Before Thor turned upside down, he lost all his powers, and after these events, he finally became mature.
Later, he and Dr. Banner worked diligently to reform and repair the state highway they destroyed.
Because of his outstanding performance in work, his six-month sentence was shortened to 13 weeks.
After the punishment, Thor got his hammer and flew high, and Carrie personally saw him off. He proposed to stay one more night on the earth beside Highway 95 to pay homage to the people who had died tragically in his Hulk fight.
This Thor finally moved from green to mature and was finally bridged back to Asgard by Heimdahl Kai Rainbow.
In retrospect, Gao Fei hasn’t heard from his friend in Asgard for a long time.
"But if this large stray dog really comes from Jotunheim, how did it come to new york? Is Jotunheim new york in a wormhole? Where is this wormhole? "
Reid throws a series of questions that Goofy can’t answer for the time being.
"We still need to continue to study this matter, perhaps it is some cosmic phenomenon that we have not yet discovered," Goofy speculated.
Hang up reed’s words and fly quietly out of the system
Backstage worship is worth another treasure chest. This is the sixth time to open the "terminator treasure chest"
"Come on, let me see what good things can come out this time …"
Goofy didn’t wait to look into the treasure chest, and the result was already expected-it was a bottle of power potion.
Pharmaceutical data update

They killed as many as twenty ancient guards in one circle.

They have a high drop rate on drawings!
It is possible to get all the drawings together!
"Four sets of ancient jihad are complete."
"Four sets of ancient spiritual methods are short of a cloak drawing"
"Now we are short of a spiritual cloak drawing, and this trip is a complete merit." Zhao haha smiled. "Let’s make persistent efforts!"
Angelnan also excited little face flushed.
Xiaoqiang quickly said, "Brother Dog, hurry up and find some more strange things!"
"Don’t worry, don’t worry, Wang, isn’t this already looking?" Two dog is busy walking around. "Ow, this is not good. There seems to be no ancient keeper around here."
Everyone is stupid when they listen.
No more ancient watchmen?
Isn’t that a drawing missing?
Zhang Xiaoqiang was suddenly depressed. Without a drawing, he couldn’t make up the ancient spiritual law suit!
One of the package components is missing
The value of the whole set of equipment will be greatly reduced.
Who knows where else to get an ancient suit!
Hang Yu roughly calculated: "It seems that the ancient guards have indeed been wiped out. I know there is another place where it is possible to fall out of the magical suit drawings. Come with me."
Hang Yu’s team went through a complicated maze.
Finally walked into a spacious hall.
Looks like the BOSS room.
A dark elf monster with a staff is on the high platform at the moment. He is better equipped than the guards outside, and many blue psionic halos are connected together, which is an ancient spiritual suit.
They are not alert.
"Ancient prison warden, this is the second floor hidden. Although BOSS is a monster of the 14th-level gold lords, it is definitely the strongest among the gold lords at the same level." Hang Yu said, "If you can beat him, you can go to the third floor."
The second layer hides the BOSS
The strength is very strong, higher than the Lord and lower than the overlord!
But it’s not enough to be a threat to Hangyu’s squad until it reaches the hegemony level!
Chapter 4 Town Prison Beast
Ancient wardens were able to perform both spiritual duties and dharma duties at the same time, with more than 20 skills, which were very rich and effective. The magic was so powerful that people were in a hurry.
No matter how powerful it is.
At best, it is the degree of Hangyu.
Or because of the rank advantage, it is slightly worse than Hangyu, because it is not high wisdom that is threatening, but it reduces Hangyu’s team’s cooperation with the encirclement.
The great warrior of Shaquan City is almost the same as Sha Hei.
After the ancient guard fell down, seven green things burst out in one breath, two of which were drawings of ancient spiritual law sets.
"There are drawings, drawings of ancient spiritual cloaks!" Angelnan was excited to send the drawings. "We have already collected two sets of ancient suit drawings!"
Zhang Xiaoqiang burst out laughing.
Uncle Zhao and Xu are also very satisfied.
Hang Yu put away the drawings and looked at other things dropped by the ancient warden. Among them, there were two pieces of jewelry for priests and spiritualists, three powerful skill scrolls and a second-order skill stone.
The skill stone caught the attention of Hang Yu.
[Skill of the judge] Green-level arcane researchers inherit the aura of learning conditions from the researchers of the secret method.
This skill stone is not bad
Hang Yu distributed other advantages to several people, drawing skills, stones and collecting arcane by himself. The researcher is a second-order bearer, and the researcher is the first-order bearer.
This inheritance sequence is an important auxiliary sequence in jurists.
There are few attack or defense skills in its carrier, and they are generally passive skills or auxiliary skills. Some jurists are spiritual, and they can improve their strength by creating this carrier sequence in the later stage.
He also has feelings for Hang Yu.
Hang Yu did not hesitate to drop this skill.

Betty Chung has always listened to her sister-in-law’s words and immediately vomitted to stick out his tongue to salute the elders of the wind ferret. Cuishengsheng tunnel "My brother Betty Chung has seen the elders of the wind ferret"

"My brother Lin Hongying has seen Elder Windferret."
Two beautiful combination, which are as beautiful as sisters’ flower, saluted Elder Windweasel.
"Well," Elder Windweasel nodded with a smile, "Are you the 17th and 1st cousins on the list of hunting animals? One has the blood of the wild beast Cangbei Taishan ape and the other is the blood of the god beast Hongluan? "
"The elders eye like a torch! Can we have a word with Hu Tian? " Lin Hongying nodded with a smile and showed a calm atmosphere.
"Elder Xie" Lin Hongying turned around and gazed at Hu-day’s face for a long time, but said, "Hu-day has lost weight without seeing you for many days."
Hu-day felt his nose for a while but didn’t know what to respond to.
A strange light flashed in Tianchen’s eyes. "Where did this Hu-day come from and have such a friendship with Lin Hongying and Betty Chung?"
Huang Xiaohuan was also secretly surprised. "When did Hu Tian and Lin Hongying come and go? Why didn’t I know?"
Stone bear simply rebuked "Lin Hongying! Hu Tian is an unforgivable evil person. I advise you to associate with him less and get infected with evil habits! "
Betty Chung immediately turned back and glared at the stone bear without fear. "Go away, big stupid bear!"
You!’ The stone bear is not good at getting angry with the little girl and immediately gets beaten and blushes in the same place.
Lin Hongying looked at Hu Tian and took out a bloody bead from his close-fitting pocket and handed it to Hu Tiandao. "The magic well of heaven and earth is full of magic flames and fires all day long. This is my red Luan blood spirit bead. You can wear it in your body to make a fire. If necessary, you can also call out the god beast Red Luan to protect you with blood sacrifice."
Magic weapon-Hongluan blood spirit bead? !
Section 49 A murder song!
Lin Hongying is a magic weapon at first hand, which can’t help but surprise everyone in the place for a while.
"What’s so good about this Hu-day that he lent him all his personal magic weapons?" Everyone is thinking this way.
"What on earth can I have to do with you and lend me all your personal magic weapons?" Hu-day is thinking the same thing.
It’s just a magic weapon to borrow one or two instruments. It’s of great significance when it’s lent, especially when this kind of blood spirit bead can be pure and the corresponding blood qi and blood is a magic weapon to assist the beast to cultivate, so it’s lent out without blinking!
You know, lending magic weapons can take great risks, and there are too many things happening, and the speed of your own practice is bound to be greatly hindered during the lending period.
Therefore, Lin Hongying’s atmosphere surprised everyone.
Hu-day looked at Lin Hongying with a smile and said that it was false and less moved than abandoning the old friendship at the crucial moment.
He knows Yan Chiyun just like Yan Chiyun knows him. He naturally knows that eating all rivers into the sea is a harmonious whole. Dan is Yan Chiyun’s suggestion of respecting Bifei Shuang, so he makes a choice.
What’s more, from the concentric fruit effect, he felt the deep estrangement and indifference between Bifei and Shuang, which was more reasonable than that of mature Lin Hongying.
As the saying goes, different ways do not agree.
It’s a good thing for both sides to leave early and be naive and romantic. Hu Tian is by no means an indecisive spoony just because the other side is beautiful.
Now that the other party has kicked himself aside, don’t you let him run away and curry favor with him?
When I put Bifei’s double thoughts aside, I asked Lin Hongying, "The magic well of heaven and earth is notoriously in and out of Lin Hongying. Do you believe that I can come out? Aren’t you afraid that your magic weapon will be left behind in the well world? "
Lin Hongying shook his head and his eyes were full of confidence in Hu-day. "Of course I believe that you can slay the rhinoceros figure in Bijiao Mountain alone on your way to the Beasts’ Sect. I didn’t underestimate you, and you didn’t underestimate yourself. It’s just that others have eyes. It’s not much to say. It’s a long night and a long road. You have to walk well in Hu-day …"
Say to Hu-day waved Lin Hongying turned and took Betty Chung hand so spill away!
"What hu-day this little one can kill BiJiao mountain rhinoceros? !” At that time, Tianchen and others’ eyes were full of indecision.
"Lin Hongying ….." Holding a blood bead with her aromatic body temperature, Hu-day looked at the line farther and farther, and Lin Hongying’s eyes were deep
There is no reason to hate and no reason to love.
What kind of arrogance and arrogance are just things in past novels? Bi Fei Shuang is an excellent warning. Hu Tian has never naively thought that she loves me too much because she looks like her husband Lin Hongying.
"This woman has a different purpose and ambition, but forget it. This magic weapon is just what I need Lin Hongying. I’ll give it back to you twice in the future."
Thought of here, Hu Tiantun feels relaxed!
Without the shackles of double cultivation, he is like a skyhawk released from a cage! There is an urgent need for a place where you can spread your wings and fight for a long time
And this place says that the magic well of heaven and earth is waiting for him ahead.
Trance, a different kind of pride suddenly inspired from the depths of his heart, and then surged like a tide, hitting his heart like a raging wave!
This emotion, flying freely, means restraining the taboo, which is different from being cruel and cunning, and flying back immediately after a blow.
Heroism stirred in his chest so that he wouldn’t spit.
"Lin Hongying, I accepted your kindness." The surge of power made Hu Tianyin resound through the dark valley. "But I hate that the night is not long and I can’t show my brilliance! And calm and warm day, everyone can shine and see each other, but I prefer it so late! It’s a dark night to see who is the moon and who is the starlight! "
Say that finish turned and strode forward.
Without looking at others, without stopping.
It’s dark and deep in front of you, and the branches sway like ghosts
However, the feeling of carefree pride returning to heaven and earth is climbing to the strongest peak at this moment!
When the song is sung immediately-
A man’s business is as bold as a bear in a killing field.
If you are born a man, you will kill him. Don’t teach a man to wrap his body around a woman’s heart.
Men never feel sorry for their opponents.
A hundred places in the battlefield of the enemy field may the weeds be green.
Men don’t tremble, there are songs to listen to.
Killing one is a sin, killing ten thousand is a male.
If you kill 9 million, you will be a hero.
Xiongzhong Xiongdao is different
See through the thousand years of benevolence and righteousness, but make this life proud
Fame doesn’t like fame, notoriety kills millions, and heart doesn’t punish.

"He, you, all of you!"

The cat pointed to Su Moyan Beichen and said that the old man grinned "None of you can escape! Your fate has already been sealed! Hahahaha! "
Yan Beichen couldn’t listen to it for a long time. Take a rest and recover a little strength. Once again, he cut the cat’s head in half!
The cat laughed to an abrupt end.
The cat was also chopped by the hate magic knife and died on the spot!
The body of the cat fell heavily in a pool of blood.
But the cat just laughed as if it still lingered in everyone’s ears for a long time, which was chilling!
It seems a little unbearable to say that the old man closed his eyes
Anyway, it was his brother who ended up like this today, and his heart was full of guilt and remorse.
Lin Xuanji didn’t look a little heavy with her old smirked face.
He couldn’t help but see the scenes when he was a child, when he used to pester the cat to play with him.
At that time, I was worried, happy and warm.
You can easily beat him at any game.
Even in the realm of repair, the secret is far better than his early entry into the realm of fit!
It is said that the old man has four brothers, and from which direction the cat is the best.
I didn’t expect to fall in front of the mystery palace today.
"Did you see it?"
Town kill cat Yan Beichen heart that tone immediately drain the whole people knelt to look up at the day begging said, "I killed your enemy! None of them have been spared! "
"Don’t worry, I will accompany you soon …"
Say that finish this sentence Yan Beichen can no longer support plop down to the ground in a coma.
Yan Beichen has already been exhausted and black and blue, and it is because of the secret that he can persist until now.
Now that the cat was behind him, he couldn’t hold back and fainted
Chapter one thousand four hundred and sixty-four Give a bow
"Brother Yan!"
Su Mo worried about his body movement and came to Yan Beichen’s side. He pulled out a few magic pills from the bag and forced them into Yan Beichen’s mouth.
Said the old man fingertips tap a divine light into Yan Beichen body.
Yan Beichen’s injury quickly stabilized.
"He’s fine. He was seriously injured and electrocuted. He had to be nervous and put in a coma for a while."
Said the old man, "His veins need to rest for a few days to recover. It’s hard to die unless he kills himself."
"He’s not injured, he’s here."
Said the old man meaningful said 1.
Su Mo can understand.
Yan Beichen’s real injury is in his heart.
It turns out that he is more guilty than remorse and guilt. He lives in pain every day, and the only thing that sustains him is revenge.
Now I’m going to get revenge on Yan Beichen. Without this obsession, I’m likely to die like a demon king!
"Wait a minute, you take him to live in Xuanji Palace for a few days."
Say that the old man said, "You can also persuade him when he wakes up."
"Thank you, senior"
Su Mo hurriedly thanked him.
Yan Beichen killed Xuanji Palace today and even killed Xuanji Palace’s half ancestor, but said that the old man did not blame him but took Yan Beichen in instead.
It is this tolerance and mind that the rest of the monks in the Mystery Palace are far from it!
Green half-ancestors frowned, and the previous step seemed to want to say something.
Qingcheng mountain bodhi old zu gave him a cross and shook his head slightly.
Green ze half ancestors in the heart a surprised hurriedly back.
Su Mo first helped Yan Beichen to take care of him before he came to the front of the old man and said, "Today, you monks fought in the Xuanji Palace and asked your predecessors to forgive you."
"Nothing happens for a reason. It’s not your fault."