







1. 花瓣浴:选用各种天然花瓣,为您打造一场浪漫的花瓣浴,让您的肌肤得到滋养,心情愉悦。

2. 热石疗法:利用天然火山石的热度,促进血液循环,缓解肌肉紧张,达到放松身心的效果。

3. 水疗:在专业的水疗师指导下,您可以在清澈温暖的水疗池中泡浴,享受水疗带来的舒缓与放松。



1. 茶艺表演:在品茶区,您可以欣赏到专业茶艺师为您泡制的一杯杯香茗,感受茶文化的魅力。

2. 瑜伽课程:在宽敞的瑜伽室,您可以跟随专业教练练习瑜伽,舒展身心,提升气质。

3. 花艺课程:在花艺教室,您可以亲手制作一盆美丽的花艺作品,将美丽带回家。












1. 行业监管力度不足。目前,我国养生SPA行业尚处于起步阶段,相关法律法规和行业标准尚不完善,导致行业监管力度不足。

2. 卫生条件参差不齐。一些养生SPA店为了追求利润,忽视卫生条件,甚至使用劣质产品,给消费者带来安全隐患。

3. 服务质量参差不齐。部分养生SPA店存在服务人员专业素质不高、服务流程不规范等问题,影响了消费者的体验。



1. 行业自律意识薄弱。养生SPA行业作为新兴行业,部分企业缺乏自律意识,为了追求利益而忽视消费者权益。

2. 监管部门需加强监管。相关部门应加强对养生SPA行业的监管力度,完善法律法规和行业标准,规范市场秩序。

3. 企业应提高自身素质。养生SPA店应加强内部管理,提高服务质量和卫生条件,树立良好的企业形象。



1. 完善行业法规。政府部门应加快制定和完善养生SPA行业的法律法规,为行业健康发展提供有力保障。

2. 加强行业自律。行业协会应发挥积极作用,引导企业加强自律,提高行业整体素质。

3. 提高服务质量和卫生标准。养生SPA店应注重服务质量和卫生条件,为消费者提供安全、舒适的消费环境。

4. 拓展服务范围。养生SPA行业可以借鉴国外先进经验,拓展服务范围,满足消费者多样化的需求。





1. 汤城国际美食广场

2. 河滨区块美食街


1. 世贸中心

2. 西溪国家湿地公园


1. 南大街酒吧街

2. 城南街道酒吧街


1. 余杭万达广场

2. 钟楼街


1. 余杭区国际灯光节

2. 临平古城夜市









1. 专业技师:俱乐部拥有一支专业的技师团队,他们经过严格的培训,熟练掌握各种养生按摩手法,为顾客提供个性化的服务。

2. 多样化的养生项目:除了桑拿、蒸汽、汗蒸等传统项目外,俱乐部还推出了按摩、足疗、拔罐、刮痧等多种养生项目,满足不同顾客的需求。

3. 精选养生食材:俱乐部精选各地优质养生食材,为顾客提供丰富的养生菜品。在这里,顾客可以品尝到地道的杭州美食,同时享受养生美食带来的健康益处。

4. 休闲设施:俱乐部设有茶室、书吧、棋牌室等休闲场所,让顾客在养生之余,还能享受悠闲的时光。



1. 桑拿:桑拿可以促进血液循环,加速新陈代谢,有利于排毒养颜。在桑拿过程中,注意控制好时间,避免过度劳累。

2. 按摩:按摩可以缓解肌肉疲劳,改善睡眠质量,提高免疫力。建议每周进行1-2次按摩,以达到最佳养生效果。

3. 足疗:足底穴位众多,足疗可以促进全身血液循环,调节内分泌。长期坚持足疗,有助于改善身体亚健康状态。

4. 饮食:养生饮食应以清淡、营养、易消化为主,多吃蔬菜、水果、粗粮等富含纤维的食物,保持良好的饮食习惯。
















The wind inclined and Mo Qingqing clearly saw that the bullet pulled out a long air trajectory of more than 200 meters in the air, and then it suddenly disappeared as if it had passed through some barrier, but at the same time, in a place not far from them, it suddenly burst into several air streams like splashing a few small splashes, which quickly crossed the lines to form a very irregular and corrugated arc, and finally fell on the huge head of the behemoth, hitting it on its thick scales. Specifically, the huge impact of the square scales of the eyebrow bone and the powerful defense of the behemoth made the red alloy bounce into cakes slightly larger than coins.

The beast still kept its head tilted to avoid moving, but it failed to escape, which made the original eye hurt. It suddenly became furious and sent out a huge roar wave, which spread like a water wave and once again set off a circle of intermittent twisted ripples. It lifted its claws and flicked its tail to catch the ship again.
The wind and Mo Qingqing’s combat experience are all from life. Two people grasp the fighter plane, which is called a precise and rapid.
The trajectory of Wu Nan bouncing out of the air is still there, and the trajectory of the roaring sound of the behemoth is clearly spreading outwards.
What is this? This is the way!
The wind leans down the show track and kills at the fastest speed. The beast came and stopped it halfway.
Mo Qingqing is a little slow. After all, her first priority is to protect the animal skin boat, and once the ghost hand vine is damaged, the poison and corrosive liquid are indistinguishable from the enemy and the enemy. She took the ghost hand vine away and killed the beast. When she killed it, Wu Nan had already fired the second shot. This time, she hit the beast without hitting it. The other eye was not injured, but it was blocked by its eyelids.
That thing is really unexpected that such a small thing as Wu Nan can pose a threat to it, but its attack path is blocked and it can’t be killed, and its body has been stained with black fog, and its scales are rapidly eroding, drilling into it to melt its blood, bones and dirt.
It growled and rolled, knowing that it was touched by this black fog power, and hoped to get away with it. It roared in despair and slammed into the hide boat with the intention of mutual destruction. Unfortunately, when it hit it, it just hit the ghost hand rattan and rushed at it. Mo Qingqing.
That end hit the spot.
MoQingQing ran halfway before a flower suddenly bumped into the monster’s forehead, and with a huge rebound strength, she was directly lifted and flew out. It felt like she suddenly passed through something, followed by a sense of weightlessness, and MoQingQing screamed in horror. "Ah-"The sound sank as she fell rapidly.
She fell out of the middle school again.
Mo Qingqing was so scared that she released the ghost vine crazily, whether it was made into a parachute or hooked something in it, at least to keep her steady.
The ghost hand rattan really caught her in the waving, but she was so heavy that she dragged a flying beast to fall with her. At the same time, she saw a monster with a broken forehead and a fog power suddenly appearing in the middle. Its wings had been melted away by the black fog power, but instead of falling, it was wrapped in the fog power and once again rushed up and disappeared.
It all happened when the flint flashed by her eyes, but she saw it clearly and truly.
Mo Qingqing didn’t even think about releasing the fog power out. There was an idea in his mind-the fog power held himself.
With her weight, nothing can hold her back. The only way she can think of is to save herself.
But the fog power didn’t hold her imagination, and she fell to the ground from a height and died miserably, and it didn’t happen.
She slammed into an island floating in a high school, and the birds were shocked, and there were huge cracks on the island.
Mo Qingqing narrowly escaped death, trembling with fear, and she didn’t have a good intention to urinate and didn’t hold back.
She thought, "It’s a good thing no one saw it." As soon as the thought came to her mind, she saw all the birds swooping down from it like crazy, and then when she saw the eagerness and fear in her eyes, she turned to surprise and vividly wrote, "Hey, you’re not dead!" Then a sudden brake stopped at her side, chirping and chirping and jumping a few times.
Mo Qingqing "…" strangle it to kill it?
Mo Qingqing doesn’t want to move her ass, whether it’s wet legs or soft body or shaking. She can’t put out all her efforts. She can quietly rub a little bit of power and ghost hand rattan liquid to erase her body marks.
The wind suddenly saw Mo Qingqing being knocked out and realized that the first reaction was "not worried" and the second reaction was shouting "Young Master, go after him!" Wake up all the birds who are stunned and have not yet reacted, and frighten all the birds to make a tingle and chase them as quickly as possible.
The wind and Wu Nan can’t go after them, but they can’t stop Mo Qingqing’s hide boat, Liu Che, Wu Weixin and the three-headed green scale beast, and the beast has gone crazy and jumped on the hide boat regardless and has already killed the crowd.
The three green-scaly beasts are all broken when they see Mo Qingqing. How dare they shrink back again? Aunt Qing rushed at the two cubs and let out two growls. The two cubs carried Liu Che’s valuables to the body as quickly as possible. Aunt Qing lifted Liu Che and the bathtub where she was taking a bath, and didn’t forget to gently pick up Wu Wei’s new clothes and throw them to her back. The three of them were ready for the shipwreck to escape.
Great aunt Qing is ready to run away here, but she shouts at Wu Nan and tells them that she can tell them to run away from the fighting area.
The wind inclined and Wu Nan looked back and saw that the three-headed green scale beast had power to course the hoof and leg, and the purple power crystal armor rushed away from the battle circle and then turned back and worried to kill the beast.
Wu Nan’s bullet is aimed at the head wound and eyes of the beast. Its eyes were damaged by Wu Nan’s bullet, but its strength reached its level. The eye damage has an impact on distant objects. It really doesn’t affect the eyes in close combat. You can’t see through the opponent’s fighting mode and power to capture the opponent’s trajectory to predict. Usually, when you see clearly, you can’t come to Wu Nan to attack its eyes. Because the eyes are the most fragile and there is no indestructible bone covering, they can directly attack the skull. But when the beast hits Mo Qingqing, the head is broken and the forehead is cracked. Wu Nan’s
The head injury is a huge giant animal, and its position is difficult to argue. It soon falls into the black fog power of the wind, and it is completely wrapped in the black fog power and completely loses its resistance.
The wind suddenly felt that the black fog power had eroded into its heart and brain, and it stopped moving before making an OK gesture to Wu Nan, and then absorbed the power of this super monster.
Wu Nan urged the buoyancy armor to go back to Qing Auntie and asked Wu Weixin, "Dad, are you okay?"
Wu Weixin is also a weather-beaten man, but he has never seen such a monster and battle scene in his life. In the fiercest battle, he was even more caught by the green scale beast with his head big enough to swallow him in one gulp. The head of the green scale beast suddenly grabbed his collar and threw it behind his back. The head of the green scale beast ran faster than the wind, and his reaction and skill were almost as fast as that of his professional soldier. He was afraid that he had been smashed to the top like Xiao Mo. His hands clutched the green scale beast’s back and tied his luggage. He shook his head with a pale face and said "Nothing". He looked back at the green scale
Now these animals and plants are all refined.
Just like they keep these animals, the bird is worse than people. They can’t say that people look different from people. They eat with their paws, exercise laboratory tools and write everything. These three blue-scale beasts usually look silly, and they are a little bit bigger and fiercer. They occasionally go out to hunt, and they can understand people’s words. What do you think is a super fierce hound? However, just in the time of distress, these three heads directly abandoned the ship, food and other materials and went straight to the laboratory to pick up the most expensive suitcases in the laboratory and turned their heads. As soon as it was thrown down firmly, the luggage buckles were fixed on the back of their trunks, and the luggage buckles were locked together in a seamless way. At the same time, they moved Liu Che to her back and got her a tent. It seemed that it had been done thousands of times, and the whole process from packing luggage to taking people in need of care was completed in less than two minutes. Finally, remember to send a message to Feng Xieran and Wu Nan.

"Am I dizzy? How can something so outrageous happen in this world? "

A white-haired old man disdained to glance at the people around him and then said with emotion, "What are you amateurs yelling about?" This means that it is a rare treasure to be ashamed to have jade in China. I have always been like jade before, but I didn’t expect to see the real thing today. This trip to West Shu is really right. "
Lin Yang cast a curious look at the old man and said with a smile, "I didn’t expect that there were really many learned people who participated in today’s auction to see that this magnolia flower is as good as jade in history."
Rushengyu doesn’t mean a kind of jade, but a carving process. The jade made by this carving process is as vivid as it is alive, so it is called Rushengyu.
Wang Shuxiao said, "Lin Xiaoyou, don’t you know this old man? His name is Liang Liang Xi, and he is one of the best treasure experts in the antique jade circle in eastern Guangdong Province. "
"So that’s it." Lin Yang nodded his head. Strictly speaking, his roots are not antiques and jade circles. It is normal that people inside don’t know Liang Xi, a well-known treasure expert.
However, Liang Xi’s remarks made many people present know the position of this magnolia flower, so everyone couldn’t help but stir up and want to buy this rare treasure, which is as good as jade.
"Teacher Liang said yes, this magnolia flower is like jade." The auctioneer nodded cheerfully at Liang Xi and continued, "In addition, this magnolia flower has a magical place …"
And the magic?
They all cocked up their ears.
But just as the auctioneer was about to reveal the secret, a roar suddenly rang, "Don’t move. We are after money and don’t want to get blood."
What happened? Robbery?
All qi qi a surprised.
Chapter 61 Robbery? Die!
Lin Yang eyebrows a pick looked at three people suddenly.
These are three burly, dark-skinned middle-aged men with dark eyes and fierce faces. At first glance, they are not good people.
They are eyeing each other with a gun in their hands.
In fact, these three people are not good people. They are all wanted by the police. This time, they learned that Baishitang will auction rare treasures today, so they started their lust. After some investigation and preparation, they kidnapped three people who got the invitation letter today, grabbed the invitation letter and pretended to be guests.
Although Ming Xi invited security guards, these security guards didn’t know who the invited guests wanted, and if they passed the security check, they would be released. These three guys didn’t know by what means they let the pistol evade the security check and were brought in.
Seeing the guns in the hands of three people, people were frightened and just sat there and didn’t dare to move.
Ming Xi invited security personnel to do their duty. Seeing that there was an emergency in the auction, they rushed out from different directions to try to stop these three bold robbers.
The three robbers shouted, "Don’t move. It’s your own money. If someone else moves again, I’ll shoot."
Hearing this, several security guards hesitated and stopped rushing forward, but there was still a young security guard who did his duty. Instead, the three robbers rushed faster and "died". One of the robbers took a fierce look and pulled the trigger without hesitation.
The deafening gunshot scared many people to scream.
Unexpectedly, however, the young security guard who jumped on the robber didn’t have anything at all, but the robber’s hand was bloody and bloody-his gun was exploding. This change was really unexpected to everyone.
The young security guard was relieved, and at the same time, his morale jumped up. His right hand was blown up by a gun, and he was crying and the robbers threw himself to the ground.
After a short period of consternation, the other two robbers also came to their senses one after another and turned their guns to shoot the young security guard. However, they hesitated just now, but the security guards rushed in at this moment and knocked the two robbers to the ground and grabbed the pistol before they could react.
Immediate release of crisis
Feeling dodged, people applauded and gave thumbs-up to the brave security guards, especially the young security guard who did not hesitate to pounce on the robbers, and was praised by everyone.
Of course, when people praise Yu, they can’t help but sigh that he is lucky. If it weren’t for the explosion of the robber’s pistol, he would not only fail to be a hero, but also risk his own life.
Everyone is a young security guard. Fortunately, except Lin Yang.
"Hard work" he shouted at Liu Xiying who returned to his side and nodded slightly.
"It’s fun not to work hard, but it’s a pity that the other two robbers were arrested without guns." Liu Xiying replied with a pair of wanting more.
Just now, the gun in the robber’s hand exploded, not because of luck, but because Liu Xiying’s finger blocked the loophole and could not eject it, it naturally exploded.
To say that these three robbers are really pitiful, it’s not good to rob anywhere, but to rob Linyang site … What is this if it’s not a seasoned road?
Although the robbery was quickly stopped and no casualties were caused, many people who participated in the auction were still scared.
Compared with rare treasures, one’s own life is obviously more important, so some frightened people hesitate to leave.
See this auction tonight is likely to be affected by the sudden robbery Ming Xi frowned Wang Shu face also gloomy.
After all, this auction has poured a lot of their efforts into it.
"Don’t worry, it was just an episode and it won’t have any impact." Lin Yang patted Ming Xi on the shoulder and said with a smile.
Ming Xi nodded Lin Yang was comforting her and didn’t take this words too seriously.
Lin Yang is talking quietly, and the soul fire has ignited a calming charm.
The paper was instantly burned to ashes, and a looming fragrance filled the Baishi Hall. All the people who smelled this fragrance were refreshed, and the fear and panic disappeared in the net.
The auctioneer went back to the auction table and first said a joke, "I wonder if everyone was scared just now?" Anyway, I was almost scared to pee my pants, but it can be seen from what happened just now that the three robbers still have a little expression of eyes and actually know that we are going to auction today … "
Laughing at the Central Plains, people who hesitated to leave also stayed under the influence of Ning Shenfu.
The auctioneer went on to say, "Well, without further ado, let’s continue the topic just now. This magnolia flower is not only a good amulet, but also a good amulet. Wearing it can not only protect your peace, but also enhance your fortune. Some headaches and brain fever will be alleviated and healed after wearing it …"

Aphrodite vaguely remembers hearing that Li Suiyun had been to this magic weapon, and she couldn’t help secretly surprised that the situation in the East was more complicated than that in the West. Even just now, Bi Fang was afraid of being in Zeus, and she couldn’t help but feel sad at the thought of her hometown’s weakness.

Li Suiyun didn’t have time to pay attention to Aphrodite’s worries. He took one look around and immediately ordered Kong Xuan to clean up the battlefield and prevent the demon army from fighting back. At the same time, he sent someone to contact Wumen and the master of the gate and sent Xuanpu to Lao, Yuan and Tongtian to report for common advancement and retreat.
Xuanpu listened and took Li Suiyun’s letterhead and went to Kong Xuan. He also turned himself into a soldier and expanded the camp to the surrounding area.
After asking Li Suiyun for instructions, the mysterious bodhi old zu really got a lot of benefits, and then he tied the corpse soldiers in a large array in a nearby place, gathering wind and gathering gas, and set his mind at ease to practice and hope to reach the Great Sage realm as soon as possible. Now he actually realizes that the benefits of being a slave are delicious. If Li Suiyun drives him away, he is afraid and unwilling to leave.
Li Suiyun took Aphrodite and went back to the abode of fairies and immortals. She used Aphrodite to practice herself, but she took out millions of souls from the nether tower that she had snatched from the bodhi old zu in Xuanyin that day. He wanted to refine this magic weapon and have it in his own place in the future.
And it’s really sad for Bi Fang to go straight back to the Heavenly Palace with a great army. As Li Suiyun said, after all, he is a demon race. It’s possible to release water on the battlefield, but he still knows that he might as well go back to see Di Jun directly when he arrives in heaven.
Because he didn’t know that Di Jun was an idea to make all the soldiers stationed outside the worse gate, he led two great saints, dinosaurs, great masters, several demon emperors and demon kings to see Di Jun, and when he heard them, he was at their mercy.
Chapter 41 The group of demons get together and scream at the Palace of Heaven ()
The news that Bi Fang was defeated and returned to fold a demon race great sage is suspected of an earthquake for the heaven, which is already in a storm.
Now the heaven is no longer what it used to be. The immortals of all walks of life and the generals of all armies have dispersed a lot. These divorcees are Terrans or Wumen brothers. No one wants to take their lives for the demon race.
In order to ensure the normal operation of the institution of heaven, Taiyi had to put some powerful monsters into various departments, but although these monsters are powerful and powerful, their handling of political affairs is obviously almost chaotic with the daily work of heaven.
Don’t these big demons know the horror of Bi Fang? The supernatural power of this ancient demon is beyond the imagination of ordinary monsters. They have reached the level of Great Sage, even though they have reached the sky, but they are much worse than those who surpass the Great Sage.
It seems that Bi Fang and other masters have suffered a big loss and ended up with a feather. The strength of the other side is beyond doubt. Everyone feels cold. They don’t know that Di Jun will punish these losers like this.
Surprisingly, Di Jun asked about the situation at that time, but he didn’t say anything about the monsters who were eligible to enter the hall. One by one, their calm faces were all counting their own abacus, and the other side didn’t look very easy to mess with. Isn’t it a trick to meet him himself? After a while, Di Jun once again confirmed, "Bi Fang, are you sure that Taoist Qingxu ended the dinosaur with one move?"
Bi Fang listened to the eyes almost spurting fire, and his teeth couldn’t help rattle and ring, but then he reluctantly suppressed his heart and hated it. "How can I lie about such a thing?" That man led a dinosaur too high, but I was killed by the other side. Even if millions of heavenly soldiers were afraid of it, it was no match for that man. I don’t want the foot soldiers to bleed in vain so that they can lead the troops to turn around. "
Di Jun didn’t get angry because of Bi Fang’s disrespect. He got up and paced for a few steps and thought for a long time. He suddenly asked, "How long can you support it if you fight with Taoist Qingxu?"
Bi Fang listened to one leng and then bowed his head and hesitated for a while before he slowly said, "He didn’t expose too much strength. The dinosaur was killed without even displaying thirty percent of his strength. With that short time, I couldn’t figure out the depth of each other."
Speaking of which, Bi Fang hesitated for a moment and then continued as if he were determined, "If there is no innate treasure, if he is as powerful as his pursuit, I hope to win with a ten percent chance, and if I escape, I will be sure."
Hearing this, all the big demons were in an uproar. This means that Di Jun is so powerful because of his innate Lingbao. This is too taboo
Surprisingly, Di Jun didn’t get angry, but glanced at Bi Fang and nodded, "If he and I study together, you can really reach that level, so he studies …"
Bi Fang nods, "I don’t know if the man has a congenital treasure to protect himself, but if you say that killing dinosaurs is so understated, if you don’t move the congenital treasure, even if you don’t catch the man, it is likely to be in pursuit …"
Di Jun listened to all his energy as if he had disappeared and disappeared. The whole person was decades old and generally bowed his head and said nothing.
On the other side, the head of the fox clan came out of work, but there were ten tian hu Great Sages. This fox was born with a tail and a tail, and it took thousands of years of penance to repair a tail. Only after it was completed, Kyubi no Youko and Kyubi no Youko can leave the demon body and enter the fairy road. If it is divorced from ten tail, it will be called the Great Sage immediately.
Since the birth of the fox family, there have been three or five ten tail in Kyubi no Youko, but there is a fox at a higher level, but it has never been seen. This shows that it is difficult for foxes to practice.
Seeing that the demons were afraid, the fox clan patriarch hurried out of the class and said, "In fact, the empty reality is not worth fearing, but if you are aggressive, you will have to fight with the East Emperor at the same time to have a hope of winning."
Di Jun raised his eyebrows and said, "What if it’s what you say?"
Bi Fang listened with a surprised and curious face, and he also wanted to know what could impress Taoist Qing Xu.
Fox patriarch glanced at the crowd and stroked the snow-white Hu’s leisurely way. "This Taoist priest is like everyone, but we can all know from General Bi Fang’s mouth that if anyone suspects that the man can lead with General Bi Fang first," he said here and made a gesture, please.
A tauren monster was annoyed when he saw it. "Don’t tell me, old fox. Who doesn’t know that Bifang Great God is the magical edge of the innate spirit of the Archaean demon?" How many monsters are his opponents here besides you? Just say something quickly! "
Fox clan patriarch smiled and glanced at all the diabolical ways. "Although this Taoist Qing Xu leads high strength, he is weak after all. If you put him in the number one enemy position, it will be put upside down for no reason, so that the Wu clan will get the advantage. We should deal with him on the defensive and avoid confrontation with him, so that he can take advantage of something …"
After saying his word, the iron mouth shouted, "You old man are so ignorant that you thought I had been waiting for this size. You, the younger generation, don’t cherish people. If it takes so long, I’ll settle down again."
The heads of the fox clan listened to the smiles and said, "Did you send that Taoist Qing Xu to get high-strength land? He is pursuing the truth, seeking truth from heaven, and being entangled with us is probably afraid of settling old scores with the East Emperor after the failure of the Witch Gate! "
As soon as this statement comes out, all the monsters’ faces can’t help changing. Everyone knows that the sun is empty and old, but how many people are willing to provoke such a tough opponent with the demon race too early? All monsters turned their eyes to Di Jun.
Di Jun killed the fox clan patriarch at this time, and his heart was full of him. This is an idea, and it is creating contradictions by provoking dissension! Because the demon race is too strong, it leads to a monster who is stronger than himself. Even more, let these monsters be separated from Germany.
Chapter 41 Group Demons Meet Whistling Palace
This fox clan patriarch’s words are too taboo. If it weren’t for this fox clan patriarch’s things, he wouldn’t rank among the top 20 demon clan patriarchs. If it wasn’t his turn to do it, Di Jun would almost want this old guy to be in a conspiracy.

To a certain extent, Beiming Snow has been nourished by twelve natural violet veins, and the wound has healed very quickly, and it has recovered as before in three days!

Su Mo asked Bei Mingxue to practice this method and naturally have his cause.
This time, Su Mo didn’t follow Beiming Snow to wash the sword pool, but stayed in Beiming Snow’s abode of fairies and immortals to remove the remaining two cursed forces.
Beside the sword washing pool
Jian Chen and others finally arrived at the North Ghost Snow to persuade the latter to turn a deaf ear.
It was not until the science of uniting the whole body was bruised and weak that Beiming Snow stumbled out of the sword-washing pool and walked back to the abode of fairies and immortals and fainted.
Su Mo helped her up and once again gave birth to a finger to help her heal her wounds and baptize her veins.
Physical destruction, repair, re-destruction, re-repair, and the cyclic process combined with the secret method of martial arts classics can make the blood vessels of Beiming Snow grow and change at the fastest speed!
Three days later, the northern ghost snow recovered and went back to the sword pool to practice.
So back and forth
Every three days, the northern ghost snow will be longer when it is cultivated in the sword washing pool.
Only one month later, the violent firm but gentle in the sword-washing pool has done harm to the flesh of Beiming Snow!
She was unscathed when she practiced in the sword washing pool for a whole day!
There is still no progress in the realm of northern ghost snow, and there is no change in appearance.
But in fact, her flesh and blood are undergoing a great transformation!
This cultivation method can’t be imitated even if others know it.
For one thing, the monks have strong demands on their will.
Secondly, this requires a monk with twelve natural violet veins to spare a lot of his own blood to help each other.
Of course, the sword repair is not the same for this way.
Is Lan Zhihui, the younger martial sister of Bei Ming, as beautiful as a fairy, waiting for the peerless beauty to suffer such cruel torture?
What budo practice for so long realm is not no progress at all?
With the passage of time, this incident not only caused a lot of fluctuations in the sword peak, but also alarmed the other seven sword peaks!
Chapter two thousand seven hundred and forty-one Challenge
The water in the sword pool at the foot of Zhajian Peak has not caused any harm to Beiming Snow.
On this day, Beiming Snow changed its way and went directly to the firm but gentle waterfall of Zhajianfeng to practice!
This is much more dangerous than practicing in the sword washing pool.
The sword-stabbing peak goes straight into the clouds and falls from the top of the mountain. The lethal force of the firm but gentle waterfall is terrible!
On the first day of going to the firm but gentle waterfall, Beimingxue was hit hard by the firm but gentle waterfall and fainted again in the sword washing pool.
It was Su Mo who appeared again to bring Beiming Snow back to the abode of fairies and immortals
"Alas, martial sister Bei Ming, this is the magic!"
"To cultivate Tao is not to be eager for success. How can you torture yourself like Sister Bei Ming?"
"The root of this inhuman cultivation method can’t be the idea of Bei Ming’s younger sister. It must be forced by that surname Su!"
Slaughtering Jianfeng, a group of swordsmen are indignant and increasingly disgusted with Su Mo.
Zhajianfeng Yishi Hall
"What nonsense!"
A real sword came out and complained, "What has happened to my sister Bei Ming since that surname Su came to our sword world?"
"The surname Su said that he came to visit the sword world, but for more than a month, he mostly hid in the northern ghost martial sister’s abode of fairies and immortals, and rarely showed up. I think he was afraid of the people in our sword world!"
"The master of the peak attaches great importance to the younger sister of Beiming. What did he say?"
Many swordsmen gathered here in the discussion hall, and many swordsmen looked at the center and sat down. Wanimal was also the first person to kill Jianfeng.
Wanimal said, "Master must also be concerned about this matter, but Master is not only the master of our sword-slaying peaks and peaks, but also the strong man in the cave, and his identity realm is not good enough to intervene in this matter."
"Let’s try to solve this matter."
Wanimal has always had some love for Beiming Snow, but he has never shown it publicly.
These days, seeing Beiming Snow suffer, he also feels a little distressed.
But he is, after all, the first person to kill Jianfeng, who has cultivated to the true condition, and the empty period is the peak. If you go to Su Mo, you will not be bullied.
The most important thing in the sword world is fairness.

Mortals have hardships for monks, but who can live with monks?

"Third brother, are you chasing me hard?" There are two flashes of light in the virtual space. In the front of the divine light, there is a vague golden symbol. I keep begging for the light behind me. "Brother, please leave me alone. If I don’t have the Shinto symbol, I will instantly fall into reincarnation. Please let me go."
"If you don’t hand over the Shinto seal, I will gather incense and turn it into a deity?" That brother’s voice is neither too tight nor too slow.
"Brother, don’t you look down on god? Why do you want to seize the throne now? " God’s high road
"Look down on god? That’s Qian! Isn’t it possible to turn the gods into gods now? This god nature is a good thing "brother sneer at.
"Brother, I’ve been chased by my godfather. If you seize the throne, you won’t be able to hide it from my godfather. You’ll be a traitor, and you’ll end up with me. Will you have a bright future? Might as well put me in a Ma Xiaodi’s mind. "The teacher younger brother sped rapidly.
"Godfather decree? Who is going to abide by the law of the ancestor and always worship the ancestral gate to seek immortality? Can the ancestor give me immortality? If the godfather can’t give it to me, I can take it myself. "The brother’s eyes flashed with a touch of madness." If you want to live forever, I don’t care about the godfather immortal. I want to live forever. "
As he spoke, the elder brother flew out of the sword and cut off half of the divine light in front.
"Crazy brother, you are crazy!" The teacher younger brother fled and flew around the sky, and I don’t know how many eyes he attracted.
"Brother, I won’t let you go. I curse you for dying a natural death."
A sword flew to kill the soul of the younger brother. The elder brother picked up the imperial edict, but he didn’t wait for it to watch a flash of light penetrate the eyebrows, and the blood fog exploded. The quasi-fairy light rolled up the imperial edict and fled instantly.
"Crazy! It’s crazy! " Jade bodhi old zu smashed her tongue
"Even the Godfather wouldn’t have thought of this situation." Jade Duxiu sighed gently. "I didn’t expect this situation."
"A large number of younger brothers are out of control, and their ancestors secretly hide Shinto symbols. If they want to switch to Shinto, they will be angry if they know the eye situation." There was a flash of sadness in the eyes of the jade bodhi old zu. "The rise of Shinto doomed that it was much easier for Shinto to become a lonely god than to become an immortal. I don’t know how many times! Everyone knows where immortality will distinguish between good and bad. Naturally, they chose Shinto without hesitation. In the future, Shinto will become stronger and stronger, and even the godfather will retire from the leading role in the world. "
"Time changes, this reincarnation, Shinto Shinto, is just a reincarnation. It can’t last long if it doesn’t last forever." Jade Duxiu patted the jade bodhi old zu on the shoulder. "If the bodhi old zu is interested, he can also condense a statue of the ancient gods to play with."
"Oh, yeah, bodhi old zu, why didn’t I think of that?" Jade bodhi old zu instantly put unhappiness behind him.
Chapter 222 Godfather’s hand
The situation is out of control, even if the godfather can control a person, he can’t control a person’s heart.
There are first-class clans, second-class clans, and third-rate clans in the world. If the number of brothers is not measured, can there be people who don’t want to live forever?
Although some of the clan doors were destroyed after winning the war of the Qin Empire, more clan doors were preserved.
There are only a handful of monks in the heavens and the earth, but there are only a handful of lucky ones. Now there is a sudden rise of Shinto. If you want to get enough incense and faith in the gods, you can live forever. How can the monks in the heavens and the earth not be crazy?
Several Godsworn Mountains have been secretly looting Shinto symbols, and there are more people who rob the gods than the magic protoss and demon clan. Godsworn can’t help but be tempted to live forever and join the battle for the gods.
At this time, the human territory has become a quagmire, and the whirlpool has become a meat grinder. Every moment, monks are dying and constantly fighting to kill each other.
"Hung-chun, you’re a little kid, but this time it’s a big disaster. Before Shinto rises, the bottom of Shinto will be tossed out. When the time comes, Shinto will be finished." Jade bodhi old zu slurped.
At this time, the Terran is fragmented, facing the temptation of the gods. Even the Godfather’s sword hangs around his neck, and everyone can’t help but take risks.
If you don’t grab the throne, you will die of old age. If you can get the throne, you can win a chance. This business is better than sitting and waiting for death.
"This is human nature who have what way? Even SIRS godparents face this situation, there is no good way. "Jade Duxiu shook his head with a wry smile." The decline of Shinto is doomed, but before the rise of Shinto, Shinto has been messed up. When Shinto rises, there is no way for Shinto live. Look, the people who grabbed the character seal are the best among the monks. Now the elite of Shinto are moving towards Shinto. Is there any way for Shinto to be active? Now I really want to know what is the expression of SIRS ancestor. "Jade Duxiu looks at the two worlds with both hands and eyes.
At this time, the ancestors gathered in a gloomy mood and watched Fang fight, but there was nothing they could do. What can you do when you face this world trend with your magical powers?
At this time, there are flowers everywhere and there are fights everywhere. You can suppress one place, but what about the rest? After you leave, the fight will continue, but it’s just a drop in the bucket.
"Fairy Road is over." It’s too easy for Godfather to close his eyes and shed tears. Tears are deep red and full of murder. "God’s will is as unpredictable as a knife."
"But I’m not reconciled." The eyes of Emperor Taizhuang’s ancestor sparkled with anger. "Can’t I just accept my fate after holding Xiandao for millions of years?"
"resigned?" Too a godfather laughed coldly "how is that possible! The big deal is that the larger foe will break me, and even if we quit, we will be hit hard by Shinto, so that God knows we are not easy to mess with. "
"In those days, we joined forces to plot against the bodhi old zu. This terran will be better and stronger in our business, but we never thought …" Taidou Jiaozu Nai sighed. "It’s too late to regret!"
"What now?" The ancestor of the Taihuang Sect said, "unite all the forces that can unite, and we will personally kill the strong people from all walks of life, take the Shinto symbols and seal them, and then personally support the God-making God in the door."
"Now that the world is dominated by Buddhism and Taoism, Buddhism has won the general trend, and this Buddhist and Taoist struggle …" Taiyi’s ancestor hesitated.
"Fairy Road is going to be finished, but what’s the general trend? We’ll put our hands and feet to the death." Tai Yi’s ancestor said that and flew directly to the world. "Kyushu is our Kyushu. Is the door of Buddhism unbridled? If that Buddhist is not smart, let’s join hands to teach Buddhism a lesson."
"At this time, it’s really a big fight. We all decide a high score and a life and death by means. In the future, if the true Shinto dominates the day and everyone competes, then the future will occupy more words in the heavens and the world." Taiyi’s ancestor twisted a plum blossom petal in his hand and fell into the world. Six quasi-immortals were killed and then six characters were taken away by him.
The godfather changed the war situation and suppressed the war. At that time, the gods and monks were afraid of being remembered by the godfather, but they stopped.
Stop is stop, but move secretly, but never stop.
"What is the godfather going to do?" Jade Duxiu frowned.
Just then, suddenly, a letter from an operator flew into the hands of Jade Duxiu.
"Tai Su can’t sit still. She wants to join the Terran battlefield to help her godfather suppress Shinto." Jade Duxiu touched the symbol in Ba’s hand and said, "I still believe that I have to help everyone tide over the difficulties."
"If call Tai Su know this thing is you out, afraid you’ll be the first to settle accounts with you." Jade bodhi old zu furtive beside Jade Duxiu looked at the grandfathers and immediately smiled.
"Seven godfathers plus Wang Zhuan, opening angle and soaring, that is, ten are more powerful than the magic protoss, and these three old guys, Tai Tai Dou, Tai Ping and Tai Yi, are even better." Jade Duxiu frowned. "In trouble! I didn’t expect these two to sit still. "
Jade Duxiu meditates on three Buddhists and three Taoists with his hands in his heart, and The Hunger is just a bit. There is a new way to prove that Leitian is only nine. It is said that this fellow of jade bodhi old zu is too unreliable. Jade Duxiu has excluded it. If it is a wonderful jade, it is ten, and it is just that the ancestors are flat rather than weak.
In addition, there are unpredictable factors such as demon race, fiend, Long Jun and netherworld, which may be involved at any time. Jade Duxiu found that she still had to be careful at this time, and she was far from sweeping the sky.
"What’s going on? When you are sad, "Jade bodhi old zu whisper once took the symbol in Jade Duxiu’s hand.
Jade Duxiu was silent for a while before saying, "This time, maybe I really want to ask all the godfathers to turn over Shinto. Although it can be a disaster, the godfathers may not fall into the wind."
The jade ancestor asked, "Tai Su asked you to help the godfather. Are you going or not?"
"This is not nonsense. I set up a game myself. How can you ask me to go?" Jade Duxiu turned around and took a few steps with his hands on his back. "I have no reason to stop Tai Su from shaking this matter now, and I have to find a way to break the rules from both Buddhism and Taoism to stop the ancestors from moving to the time when the gods are gestating."
Jade bodhi old zu heard it silently for a while before he heard him say, "You are a fox. If you were a fox, the two foxes would definitely not refuse you."